Re: Uleria

From: Wesley Quadros <>
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 13:01:42 -0800

The Glorantha Digest wrote:

> From: Olli Kantola <>
> >Ernalda's rites work just as well in the city as in the country.The
> >communal magic of Uleria is used for orgies (Community spell:
> That is one thing that Ulerian magic can be used to, does that exclude
> some other aspect of love from the powers of the Goddess of Love? She can

I don't know if she is the Goddess of "Love". IMO she is the goddess of "Lust".

> Why this is nearly the rest (of Orlanthi all)!!! IMO those 10% are "under
> her influence". Have experience, have been touched or have benefitted from
> her rites. You still seem to equate her worshippers as mere whores... Even

Her worshippers _are_ seen as whores by most peoples. If you want love and a lasting relationship then you pay attention to Ernalda and her ways. If all you want is carnal pleasure then you turn to Uleria.

> in RQ she had every sort of fertility magic available. You might want to
> check out the love/fertility question(or something) from

In RQ the cult description was a Godlearner construct. However, love and fertility do not denote community which is what marriage is all about.

> >This divine bond also partakes of harmony under the auspices of Vela.
> >Guess what Uleria is tainted with? Disorder. That's why Thunder Rebels
> >talks "the wild and breathless passion of the demon Uleria that breaks
> >apart everyone it touches".
> Now you are contradicting yourself. You said that Uleria tames the Boggles
> isn't a Heortling myth and without that myth your claims of her
> disorderiliness are empty. If that myth were a Heortling myth, then

Why? Uleria has no community ties. She has no relation to the Storm Tribe and no home. She has no modesty, no respect for the sacraments of marriage - that sounds pretty disorderly and disruptive to me.

> As for the nature of Uleria and her priestesses, you can take another look
> at the Tilntae. Essentially they are of the same as Uleria (only on a
> smaller scale). They are incapable of anything that doesn't fit into the
> sphere of Love. A good guideline to her priestesses would be
> "(Tilntae) Seek nothing more than to increase the amount of love, thus
> life, in the world." The Powers that Uleria bestows upon her followers
> also correlate with the powers of Tilntae.

How to you increase the amount of life? Copulation. Fornication. They "seek nothing more...". They don't care about family ties, respectability, nothing more than the primal urge to procreate.

> "Where a sense of community is weak they will manifest as essence
> to enchance it." I bet that they played a significat part in forming
> wyters for cities. (As they came from Heortland with the artisans&such
> folk.) That doesn't sound like whoring.

A whore that tries to prey upon a community will bring it together against the common foe. City rings are based upon Orlanth's Ring - nothing to do with Uleria.

> "If a being is lost or lonely they possess him to enable him to find
> love." That translates nicely into matchmaking(!) and certainly doesn't
> sound like demonic possesion, wracking of the body&other such
> nastiness.

This sounds like a sad lonely man being driven to a whore, or worse: rape.

> And finally:"When a being is childless they may appear physically and
> bring new life to the world." Here the orgies or other ceremonies can help
> those who don't worship Ernalda(or even Ernaldans... Hey extra help is
> always appreciated). The rest, that is, whose percentage is certainly

Again, this is only procreation, primal sex. No concern about relationships, the daimon manifests to have sex and leave its seed in a new field.

> It is fair to say that in Heortling society Ernalda handles
> all things concerned with matchmaking, community and fertility, but would
> it be very Heortling if this would be a Yelmic all? I say that Uleria
> provides these things for 5%-10% of Heortlings and that it is just as
> natural and acceptable as Humakti weaponthanes, Issaries merchants,
> Donandar skalds and Vingan women that we are all so fond of.

All of those heortling gods are part of the Tribe. Uleria is a foreigner. Apparently a member of the Celestial Court - who we all know tried to deny Umath his rightful place in the Cosmos and kept him apart from his intended mate. I think Peter's 1% is generous. 5-10% is unrealistic.

Of course, YGMV.


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