Dawn Age Bemuri

From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 21:46:46 +1200

Joerg Baumgartner

>The male fertility role will retain bullish traits. Orlanth is sufficiently
>versatile to embody these IMO.

Why would the Bemuri bother fooling around with Orlanth when Urox is even a better fit to those bullish traits?

> >It's far more probable that their worship of
> >Bemur was transferred to Urox/Storm Bull rather than
> >Orlanth.

>IMO it is important such for a conversion to retain significant parts of
>the initiatory routine to the main deity.

But since they have converted from animism to theism, no such retention is possible. In any case, all that's been said about the East Wilds Orlanthi is that they are aware of their hsunchen roots, not that they all feverently maintain their old hsunchen identities. And what of the Vustrians among them?

>Is Bemur(ox) a cattle deity or a cattle spirit, regardless what his
>followers did during the Greater Darkness?

He is a cattle spirit as follows from him being a Hsunchen spirit.

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