Re: Spirits, Daimones and Librarians

From: David Dunham <>
Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 18:22:51 -0800

Mark Galeotti

> Definitely. I'd imagine calling on a Kolating is a drastic option to most
> heortlings, to be avoided if at all possible. Of course, what we call
> spirits might actually be daimones in HWspeak, or even if they aren't,
> Orlanthi, not being privy to AR, might assume any otherworldy manifestations
> to be daimones unless given reason to think otherwise. I wonder if 'spirit'
> then becomes a convenient alibi - your godi fails to get rid of a
> troublesome entity and he mutters 'it must be one of those spirits'...

IMO the Heortling word for daimon is "spirit." This is the common English word, therefore it must refer to the most common sort of otherworld being. The kolatings deal with something unusual, so they should be the ones with the technical vocabulary.

Peter Metcalfe

> The fact that the Ralian Orlanthi have bad memories of Arkat _today_
> is not evidence they were Orlanthi in 430. I generally view their
> conversion to the current state as being a long process after the
> Chaos Wars.

There's no evidence either way, but I think they were pretty much predisposed to become Orlanthi.

And I think it's more interesting for Ralios to be divided on Arkat lines, which are stronger if Arkat destroyed the Bright Empire which brought civilization (i.e. the Lightbringer cults) to East Ralios.

> Orlanth is not worshipped as a ram or an alynx anywhere
> as yet. The Ram is associated with Heler or Voriof while
> the Alynx is associated with Yinkin. Orlanth in the lands
> of the Talastings looks pretty much like Orlanth in
> Heortland or Lankst.

In our games, Orlanth is in fact worshipped as a ram in Talastar (at least the Hagodereth subcult). And individual Gloranthas aside, I don't believe that the non-Heortlings of Lankst see Orlanth quite the same way.

> The Boar Orlanth of the Wenelians
> is so described because he is an unusual form of Orlanth
> (although the Hawk Orlanth of the Fronelans would have
> also been worthy of mention in the Glorantha: Intro had I
> known about it), and not that Orlanth normally takes the
> form of animals outside Heortling myth.

Unusual only to Heortlings...

David Dunham <> Glorantha/HW/RQ page: <> Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein

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