Broyan criticizes Argrath (Aristotle criticizes Alexander)

Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 00:02:08 +0900

How Eurmal brought the Doom of Orlanth's House

Reference: Aedin’s Wall? Norse Mythology I have started to think about Direct Parallel from RW Mythology to Gloranthan Similar Places while to see parallel of Two from Aedin’s Wall to
Odin let Giant Architect make the Wall of Valhalla, Loki criticized Gods in Supper repeatedly have hit my head with Barbarian Club and explained why many bad calamity FREX Flood, Illiteracy Era stroke the Dragon Pass before Harshax Era in King of Sartar like after Fimble Winter and Ragnarok in Norse Myth.

direct line from Edda to Glorantha like Odin=Orlanth, Loki=Eurmal, Tyr=Humakt, Thor=Urox?, Bragi=Lhankor, Frigg=Ernalda, etc...

Myth of Orlanthi circa 2000S.T in for unknown purpose.

Orlanth: Because Red Goddess died again and again, revived, she laughed at and scorned the meaning of sacrifice with these act, closed the gap between life aIn nature of Gods, Norse Mythology have more resemblance than Irish Celtic
Mythology (which introduced by Jim Fitzpatrick and other booklets about Battle of Moy Tura and Cattle Raid of Cooley: in my opinion, I can write nd death, ridiculed grief, I call her Shepelkirt “The Poison Blood of Red Heart” and hate her.

Humakt: That role is mine, younger brother. While traitor Yanafal abused Death, his mistress became my enemy, too.

Lhankor Mhy: That was my fault not to remember to even such a unworthy disciple Irripi Ontor commit a wicked act.

One day, this was started when Eurmal cannot be heard from anyone. Orlanth has excused him when once he supported dark creatures to abduct Ernalda, supported Daga to kill Barntar, broke Lhankor’s Index of World Library and scattered fragments to all around the Glorantha. Eurmal stealthily became Troublemaker for many phases after Cosmic Compromise.

He tore Tongues of EWF mystics, taught Arts of Trick to Slaves of Yelm and taught
lies to People of Kethaela about Machine God's, then eventually Chalana Arroy
don’t think to heal her former company of Lightbringer Quest, and most Generous of All Gods Orlanth cannot want to see him again.

One time, Gods held Great Feast and all of Gods are invited except Eurmal, and Urox
led Legion of Berserkers to Battlefield of Great Waste and could not go it.

Soon after Eurmal heard about that Feast, he sneaked into Orlanth's Stead and sought the way creeping into joyous Companions and disturbing them with jealous and anger, but One of Orlanth's Dishthane, found him and foolishly tried to drive away Trickster solely, Eurmal killed him secretly and hid his corpse, sneaked in Chamber and sat on the Vacancy of Table where the Dishthane sat. Firstly, all of Gods ignored Presence of Trickster, but Eurmal told King of Gods:

Eurmal: Why nobody even dared thinking to invite me to this Party? Orlanth, you promised me to support in public when I taught you how to use Death.

Orlanth: Yes, I did. My families, excuse him and please open the space for Husband of Sinjorta. But I order you keep your mouth shut.

Eurmal: But you always need my mouth and tongue when you were in short of Wit. Perhaps you should keep my mouth free, because you often need this when you cannot use your Arm, you always need Slyness of your Wife or Wisdom of mine.

Orlanth: Violence is always an option, my father said. Watch out.

Eurmal: Umath said, no one can make us do anything. But I think you should change this phrase we cannot do anything without Trickster. Because Orlanth always want to become Emperor, because you are Nephew of him, but he didn't want to evacuate his Throne to you, so you murdered your Uncle. You started Kinstrife, not Vadrus.

Heler: Stop your Wormtongue and drink this Minlister's Stock. That is very Good.

Eurmal: Certainly, that is Good. But better is Flesh and Skin of Another man's Wife. That is Adultery, isn't it? Ernalda is more beautiful with you than with King. Where is Loyal Heler?

Humakt: Always virtue is coming from Silence, King, why you punish this Trickster?

Eurmal: You think you know all Secret of Death, but it isn't true. Always there is fact and Truth only Jester knows. Don't forget who gave your Sword.

Humakt: What is this Truth?

Eurmal: You are not the Strongest Warrior in Glorantha. All knows this Fact. And
this Word hurt your Pride Asunder and so you God of Truth always lied to yourself.

Mastakos: Mead of Minlister today is bad. Perfectly Trickster became drunk.

Eurmal: Charioteer, Minlister brought me freedom. And you useless Tool can find true requirement to get into.

Issaries: Your Tongue is too sharp today but your lost discretion about yourself went somewhere you cannot catch, remember we Lightbringer wandered the Most Horrible Place. We were One when we stayed there.

Eurmal: But if Orlanth didn't kill Emperor, we don't have any need to go such a
Dangerous Place. So I betrayed Orlanth there. But after I punished him, I mercifully rescued him with Fire of Gustbran which I stole from Obsidian Palace. He cannot do anything without me. Issaries, you also foolishly gave Tradetalk to Evil Sorcerors and lost control Art of Communication.

Lhankor Mhy: Usually you make much more trouble than solution, statistics indicate so. Why you can dare to say only you can control environment?

Eurmal: And you always seek way to use knowledge for smoothing over intelligence itself, as your patron always takes Weapon. And you cannot control your own disciples, many Greybeards betrayed your Towers of Ivory and became Heretic, minion of Chaos, atheists of Southern Sea.

Vingkot: Lord Jester, please change your mind before you will betray yourself, you fear something.

Eurmal: And you Vingkot Orlanthsson why cannot understand you are merely a Shadow of your father? You should know Orlanth wanted Ruler of Humans and inpregnated Janerra, because you don't have ability to sit on Table of Gods except as Role of First King, Trophy after Funeral Pyre.

Alakoring: I know you inplanted Arangolf to each Heart of Heortlings, how can you stand against these Horrible Crimes?

Eurmal: Who are you who speaks to King of Jesters arrogantly Ralian. You only converted Winter Tribes to Heretical Ralian Way, and disunited them again to Summer and Winter before as Heort.

Heort: Don't use my name before consulting to me, Trickster. Why you cannot see Flame of Anger in each eyes of Gods? Don't you forget how Logic People treated you and Orlanth rescued you before Lightbringer's Quest?

Eurmal: Shut up you Mimic of Only Old One. He taught you how to fight against Predark and teach you "Secret of Hengall". You are only Tool who reacted this Ritual as Representative of Orlanth, and your peaceful reign was coming from support of Troll Gods and Esrolvuli Blessing, why you can become King? Because you killed Hidden Kings who were Last Surviver of Kodigvari because you want to become King of All Vingkotling.

Harmast: Do you think truly to insult your true Worshipper? I always revere you as One of Seven Equals.
So I succeeded firstly Lightbringer's Quest.

Eurmal: I know you did. Friend, so you are worst. You brought Disaster replacing Light Nysalor to Darkness Arkat Deceiver, did you truly believe he was Son of Humakt? That is Impossible. I know Humakt has been Impotence. At least you find Lightbringer's Quest causes Only Disastor and won Only One Case for One Person. So you failed to contract with Talor. This Knowledge is result of your Unhappy Deed, "We should not do as Orlanth." "Never restart Lightbringer's Quest."

Vinga: Eurmal, maybe I can control you as my father, Orlanth bestowed this ability when he were Outlawed from his Own Tula, do you remember this?

Eurmal: And you Vinga Orlanthdottir want to become Warrior when One of Orlanth's Weaponthane rejected your affair, you got him with Sword instead of Beauty and Wit. How does he do recently? Maybe you enjoyed enough and cut his throat with Sword of Orlanth.

Elmal: That is Last Chance of making Peace. If you don't want to rejoin us now, you will lost forever such chance.

Eurmal: Do you hear such word before this time? Perhaps coming from Fire Tribe. Chameleon. I still cannot recollect your true Name....Son of Emperor, how were you Outlawed from them?

Yinkin: I never permit you if you always insult my half-Brother and his Rule. I am true Brother of Orlanth, because Staunch Kero Fin was our Mother.

Eurmal: I have seen Mountain moving before Fear of Rats, you flatterer. Why didn't you retaliate Orlanth when he was Baby who blew off you from Slope of Kero Fin? Because you are Coward who couldn't show yourself your Pride before Brutality of Storm God.

(Eurmal criticized Other Gods again and again, all of Gods got angry to Trickster.)

Chalana Arroy: Mercy. That is all, stop to think harming my Companion of Lightbringer's Quest. (to Othergods.)

Eurmal: And you want sleeping with every all man, Chalana Whore. Your Principle of Love and Mercy is primally coming from Sexual Desire. Do you truly believe Love without Flesh as Fire Tribe and Nysalorians? And Ernalda, do you know who killed Barntar Truehope in Gods War? This is Me, not minion of Vadrus.
Then near future Argrath will tear All of You, let Spider eat Flesh of yours. And you must appreciate him as Hero and Liberator, this is Doom Wyrd which Orlanth will bring.

Ernalda: You are stupid and crazy! This is Fate of World and not Fault of Orlanth!

Eurmal: I wanted such Words when Orlanth was Outlawed, but you never remember him during this Time and made many makeshifts, but Orlanth disguised himself as Veradash, you fell to Pit of Shame after Orlanth revealed himself before Orlanthi Carls.

Thunder Brothers: Mother, please give me permission to kill him.

Eurmal: Mother? How many of you truly Son of Orlanth and Ernalda? Bastards.

But Finally Chaosslayer, disorderous as much as Trickster, returned from Fight and found the Situation of
Feast, Urox stood Entrance of Chamber with Great Shadow:

Urox: Shut up. I will cut your Jaw to the Shoulder and kick your liver to Front of Mountain. You reeked Chaos Smell, Taetarisus. For you lost support of Orlanth.

Eurmal: Who orders me? I am King of Gods. Do you forget I tamed you only Stick and Rope, Bullroarer.

Eurmal fled from Party for he then became worst enemy of Orlanth Housecarls. He ran about trying to escape from Storm Gods, one day went to Mother Land of Floating Kylerela. (He thought up a new type of hunting net for Wachaza in that land)

And he stealthily went to Hole of Dorastor and took out Heart of Evil Ancient Chaos God from his Treasury of Trickery, let innocent girl of Peloria eat that meat.

At last, Orlanth ordered Berbester Gor to catch up him in Valley of Sorrow where Eurmal made her drunk with Beer of Blood. Orlanth cannot kill Eurmal but cannot free him, either for many reason. King gulped down Fool to his noble stomach. But he could not digest the body of trickster and Eurmal made his shack near the heart of King in Otherside.

Orlanth wanted save the world from Evil of trckster, but Shepelkirt sang a Magical Song at Battlefield of Castle Blue and Eurmal woke, he bit the side of Orlanth and made hall, that came to Red Scar (or Red Moon) in Middle Air, Eurmal escaped and started to bring the End of World.

So it was done, and Orlanth let Argrath come and kill them.

This was End of Quarrel of Loki in Glorantha: Why Shepelkirt revived from Dirt Bog of Chaos?

Please don't use Lightbringer's Quest! It always broght Trouble more than Solution.

Broyan: Why you abandone Traditional Way and want to become Heretic? You are same as Arkat, Lokamayadon, Jerem, Obduran...Why you betray us? Kallyr, help me to persuade Argrath.

Kallyr: I still understand your feelings to Way of Argrath. But maybe that is inevitable. Sorrow environs us....I wandered Great World and met many types of People, but they are not Aliens...I am not same person before Wandering. Never Orlanth taught us Way of Founding Empire...because it is not Way of Orlanth, he know how to conquer Enemies, but never know maintain it...Because his nature is Turbulance.

Argrath: Pelorian Sheeps.They are always Slave for Our Standards. How I can taught how to work with Orlanth? Impossible. So I adopted many Way of Lunars and EWF....Never Ultratraditionalists made Empire....I'm tired.

Harrek: Orlanth is God of Change. If you want me to kill her and him. I can.

End of The Glorantha Digest V8 #373

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