dying again

From: David Cake <dave_at_difference.com.au>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 13:50:10 +0800

At 11:45 AM -0700 3/5/01, The Glorantha Digest wrote:
> >9: Ingolf Dragonfriend, in Wyrm's Footprint, Ingolf was killed by Blue Moon
>>Assassin in 1051, but King of Sartar mentioned his Death was occured after
>>he retired to Delela and Black Dragon swallowed him.
>KoS is correct. People in Dragon Pass may know of Ingolf and believe
>he was killed by a Blue Moon Assassin.

        This has got me thinking. My first response was 'maybe he died twice?', which given the existence of resurrection seems reasonable.

        Then it occurred to me that I can't, off hand, think of an example of resurrection being mentioned in canon. The return of the Red Emperor, sure, but thats a very different and unique process, as are a few other reincarnating heroes. But killed and quickly brought back by magic? Not many.

	So, why so few references to resurrection?
	One possibility is that its simply often omitted - a hero 
dies, is resurrected, leaps back into the saddle, and is off again - when dealing with heroic types, you just don't bother to count them as dead until the resurrection fails. Another possibility is that when dealing with such important folks, everyone makes as sure as possible that they stay dead when killed (chopping heads off, for example) (you'd think that many deaths would still slip through, though).


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