Pentan Horse Clan Example (3)

Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 23:39:45 +0900

Isalebao Clan


  Angels fell from Sky
 At first, Kargzant ascended to Sky Dome Yurts riding over his Horse, he met Three Rivals, (In Saird-Hyalorian Myth, they are called Bazkurt, Molandro, Jokbazi. Book of Drastic Resolution: Chaos p.69 Fragment) And he defeated each of them with Light, Wisdom and Power. At the Pinnacle of Sky Ridge, he called all of Powerful Spirits in the World, and gave them Shape and Shadow which is the Link to Spiritual World. Kargzant made his War Council at the Top of Center and made the World itself as his Pasture for his Horses.

 All of his Subjects lived in the Sky World peacefully at the Beginning before Sky and Earth split into Two. They freely descended to Surface with their Riding Beast and hunted animals for their master Kargzant during these Long Days. But Disruptors appeared in the Stormgate, their leader was She who Preach Liberation, and brought confusion. She was very beautiful Woman and seduced many Stars, and they fell from that Noble Status and started mundane life with their wifes, daughters of her.

 Eventually grandson of Kargzant, son of Ialam dropped down Disruptors. But one of her Daughter Blue Ungariant? (Dara Happans call her Uleria?) was saved for her virtue and sincerity, and was adopted as Housemaiden of Kargzant's Yurt. Kargzant let Ungariant raise Four Sons: Their names are Josad, Henird, Jardan andDastal, and Four Daughters: "Light within Darkness", "Summer Stream of Mare Pleasure", "Sweet Odor of Spring Flower", "Gentle Wind over Pasture". They are all beautiful and heroic in One of Kargzanite Skills.

  Four Directions of Enemies
 Kargzant conquered Surface World with Four Great Sons, Josad, Henird, Jardan and Dastal. Minion of Spiders and Coldness went to Edge of World and avoid contact to Sky Generals who were Supporters of Great Khan. But Spider jealoused with him, and plotted a Conspiracy to pull down him from Fire Ridge.

 They enjoyed Divine Life and Housemaiden Ungariant safely kept their Yurts. But after many Kargzanite fell to Earth, Little by little Kargzant lost his volume of Blood reducing which his supporters sacrificed before his altar and changed his Color to Yellow.

 One of his son, disobedient Ialam spread lies about his father to Western People of World Edge, and prompted to stop sacrifice to Kargzant and started worshiping him as "God", taught them to start "Civilzation". In Eastern Land, still Draconic Race survived who was rescued from Spider with Kargzant's Horse help. But they still remembered their Black Lotus Illusion, Spirit without Flesh. They think this World is too Bad to live, and let it to be too bad for their Belief justifying.

 Kargzant called his most wisest son Josad (who already had White Beard) before him and counseled with him,
"I don't drink enough Blood recently."

Josad replied to his father,
"Always Mother Spider eagerly plots our Corruption and Downfall. Maybe that
is another Conspiracy of her, Someone stole your sacrifices for her..."

"I can burn any Enemy with my Brightness, Where can I find my enemy?"

"Source of this Corruption perhaps exists in the Underworld, your Former
Prison. You can go there but I cannot think how to flee from there again."

"That information is enough for me." Kargzant said,

"Maybe Old Escape Route exists no more, but I will be able to find new
route there."

(But he could not have found it long.)

Josad commented to his father,

"Stream and Blood always will flow to Low Place after you descend to
Underworld.Maybe you can drink enough in the Underworld. But how we can control western Ialam and eastern Dragonrace without you? They already came to believe and revere False Demons."

Kargzant answered,
"We should use trick against trick. We can deceive them."
and talked about his plot.

 Wind Kings and Four Sons of Kargzant
  Kargzant went to Stable of his Golden Horse, his Horse perceived something troubled him and asked about it. Kargzant explained him about what occured at the Edge of the World. His Horse enthusiastically told his master,

"You cannot deceive them without Scapegoat. Mother Spider is Founder of
Wiles. We made sure about that when we tried to escape from her Labyrinth. Do you remember our pact which certificated our ability to exchange our Shape and Body? I can become your Proxy and Scapegoat with Magic."

 Kargzant kept his attitude long reluctant but finally made decision and agreed. They exchanged their Shape with Magic. Ungariant invited her Four Half-Brothers to Kargzant's Yurt. They are Noble in attitude but neither Arandayla's Blood nor Kargzant's Blood. So they surprised when Kargzant's Housemaiden Ungariant invited them to Feast. They doubted Setting of Trap. But One of them West Wind said,
"If even it were merely a Trick, I don't want to be seen as a coward by
Kargzant, I want to go there. And I will prove my Luck and Virtue."

So other three also agreed to go there.

 Kargzant and Ungariant, and other Sun Tribe Members graciously accepted their Visiting and invited them to Yurts. And after an hors Doeuvre, Kargzant tell them about his plot. The Four Brothers also hated Ialam's Lies and Draconic Opium so they agreed to participate in that plot. But North Wind asked to Kargzant.

"I can understand your Idea. But how we can trust you? Generally Shrewd
Schemer requires Assurance for Trust."

"What type of Assurance you need?"

"If you accept your Housemaiden Ungariant as your Legal Wife, I will trust

 So Kargzant founded First Adoption Rite to his Blood and Clan. And Four Brothers rejoiced. They drew their Scimitars from their Scabbard and cooked Kargzant's Beloved Horse, he seemed as Kargzant. Horse asked his Master to remember their Bond and Way to revive his Life. (But Kargzant couldn't return back long to Sky World, and Magic faded and Memory virtually lost.)

 After Maindish was finished. Four Brothers proclaimed they assassinated Kargzant, so Two Empires astonished at this news and went to Disintegration. Golden "Horse" solely departed to Western Edge of World and didn't return back long.

to be continued.

 Ordaan Tribe was Trunk of Many Modern Blooddrinker Tribes. Isalebao also derived from this root. In Darkness Age while Kargzant disappeared and Hell Crack opened, many of Pentan Clans fled from Motherland of Green Plain, but Ordaans stayed their motherland. But some of them participated in the group of migration to Pelorian Bowl for searching Lost Khan of Khans and method how to revive their True Horses, not for seeking safe place as other clans.

 After many years of Struggle against False Stars, Kargzant returned back to Sky World with much weaker status before, and the Strongest Hellish Light was Sargash and he also appeared in the Sky World, though Kargzant defeated them with Support of Kargzanites, his Power was faded greatly and he was bound to Sun Path. After this Struggle, Ialam also returned back to Sky and cowardly attacked wounded Kargzant, Kargzant agonized against him.

 But finally he bound disobedient Son and took his horse, gave his Horse to more Faithful Son, Golden Bow. Ialam was chained in the Underworld Prison as once Kargzant was treated, Jaldan faithfully worked Viceroy of Night while Kargzant descends to Monsterland for Drinking Blood of Sacrifices since that time. Kargzant long deceived Dara Happans to sacrifice for their Demon-God, Ialam. (But recently, Magic of Lunars and Orathornians brought Void in the Middle of this World, Ialam was freed, and Jaldan could not pursuit his escape. And he called himself as the Greatest God during Vacancy of Kargzant.)

 But Affairs over Surface didn't go well as Sky World Incidents, while Western Migrators met Storm Worshippers and Monster? Riders coming from Southern Great Salt Lake, we met another foes in the motherland. They were coming from Ourselves. And our Civil War gradually intruded to our heart. As Unity Council of Storm Gods mistakely held Spirit of Spider as Unity and Dawn Symbol, she ate our Magical Power in the process of power of missionaries grew.

 Finally Our Ancient Rival Praxians trickly defeated Overlords of Pelorian Bowl in Battle of Silver Flame. And Spider Spirit bit our Spirit Bond which linked Horses and Society, and requirement to new Magic raised in our Eastern Society. Kargzant Stopped over us and our Cousins returning back to their Homelands. That was Balance between Pure Horse Tribe and Gongarilli, but soon Balance was faded because Latter is far more stronger than Former. And our Total Power and Solidarity declined. 2nd Age was our Weakened Days.

 We heard about finally worshipper of Ialam betrayed Storm Worshippers in Westernland, but we could not strike back them because we must fought against ourselves. General Kastok and Hero Turrogus were Dara Happans who didn't corrupted by Civilized Way. They used many Cavalry Armies and Our Tactics for defeating us. But Master of them jealoused and feared his Deed, Power and Intention, Emperor of Dara Happa executed him, that Luck relieved some of us.

 But worse came after that, Kralorelans were always isolationists and didn't need expand their territory, but after Foreigners conquered Kralorela, False Dragon Ring attacked us and wanted to control Trade Route. At the Same Age, Dara Happa was also conquered by Dragonmen of South, they also wanted to bring "Civilzation" to our Pasture and Steppe, some of Pure Horse Tribe wanted to join them rather than to compromise with us, and became Founders of Southern Cities of Prax. The Two Empires oppressed us hard, and some of us taking refuge in False Worship and Magic like having dealing with Monsters, Dozakis and even Outer Coldness. Li Phanquann of North Wind killed many of them.

 But Spider finally bored with her Game and and changed her attitude completely, suddenly Dragonmen killed their Emperor and went Mad, Native Kralorelans rebelled against their Foreign Rulers, in that chance, we defeated Praxians with Kralorelan Army at Battle of Lost Hope (Tales #15 p.5, Early Third Age) and Agartu Say was born.

 Agartu Say is the Greatest Hero of this World. He became Sheng Seleris after he returned back from Kralorelan Prison which they treated him as Slave, his Pride empowered him and changed his innerself entirely. His Jyhad started, finally he outwitted their Hypocrisy and Vanity and returned back to our Beautiful Plain. He got Many Strange Magic and Arts from enslaved days, and promised to use them for conquering all over the World. His Fiery Words burned our Soul, and we went forward to Glorious Day. Some of Bursts came from our Tribe and accompanied with him all of his Conquests.

 We occupied Iron Forts firstly he attacked Kralorela and later Praxian Trade Route under his Order, that Age is most glorious days, we can take everything from Civilized Weaklings, but we could show them how much we despise these around their Lives. Praxian Trade Route had been controlled by Dozaki Minions and Gerak Kag Sect centered in the Pavis Rubble, but Sheng made us avoid confronting directly toward them, and trade route was given to us without trouble. Sheng Seleris used Prosperity of Civilzation only for gaining Strength, not for corrupting ourselves as Decadents of Owners.

 When finally Rufus tricked Sheng Seleris at Kitor and enslaved him to Dark Spot, we were not with us because we should control his Eastern Territory and Sultanates. But HonEel Witch of Moon and Rufus attaked bak us without Greatest Leaders, we also lost these Battle after Battle, and Remnants of Sheng Seleris returned back to Motherland and started to plot to attack back, one of them were Most Reverend Horse Priestess of Oraya, but HonEel shamelessly used forbidden tactics before our Kargzant, and our Priestess lose in the Contest.

 Night of Horror occured in the middle of Great two Armies, Lunars and our Great Horde clashed hard. Many Heros fought against each other and died in Great Disastor, maybe we should not call on Orathorn Sorcerors, they were one Factor of that Castrophy, Ethilrist and HonEel killed many of us, and we killed as many as them, but Magic went Mad and uncontrollable, Great Cold Void appeared. Both of Army died. There was no Win or Lose. But Serious was for us, because we never supirior to them in number, so they acted as if they won.

 Bronzesword Prophet was Stranger from Foreignland but strangely knew All of our Traditions. He insisted our Ancestor Spirit return back to his Body and burned him to act against Lunars.

Travel of Biturian
Tales #12 Prax Special War between Kralorela & Prax Entekosiad Lendarsh Section
River of Cradle
Runequest Con #4

What our Shaman told us:

Who are you?
I am Johos Banuma. Blind Bard of Isalebao Clan.

Who are we?
We are Isalebao Clan in the Eastwind Guardian Tribe. We are the strongest Clan of Kargzanti and Four Winds in the Pentan Steppes.

What makes us great?
Obedience to Light makes us Great. In Combat, Steadfastness and Rapidness, and Bond to your own Horse is greatly appreciated and famed to our Hero Path.

What is difference between men and women?  Men are coming from Light and Heat of Kargzant, while Women are coming from Bounty and Gentleness of Ungariant. Ungariant was once humbled before Glory of Khan Kargzant as a Concubine. But later she was greatly honoured for contribution to their clan, make decision to wield Enemies and kept connection to Dark Woman because she had blood belonged to Dark Races.

 Men Nature is Steadfast and Stern to Comrades, Burning All Outsiders with their Flame of Kargzant. We are sacrificed to Sun Khan while Initiation to Adulthood in living Status. But we cannot remain our Clans and Society without help of Women's Bounty and devotion of our Horses. Never permit our ignorance both about their dignity but never tolerate their Treachery.

 Women Nature is clumsy and untrustful because for natural reason...but very useful and important when we are in crisis. Our wives and concubines of Nobles are generally coming from enemy clans as loot of Raids or Assurance of Good Connection. So most of them are untrustful because they still keep loyalty to their own clan, but once they showed steel fidelity ours becauae of our Strength and Virtue, they can become our Teachers. We know other clans and tribes have other idea about this case. If you want to get Wife, that is One of Hero Path because many folklore taught about such deeds.

Where do we live?
 We generally lived in Northeastern Steppes of Beautiful but Stern Lives in Summer because that place was Kargzant himself bestowed our Ancestors.

How do we live?
 We used many Woods coming from Northern Secret Forest and Magical Trees coming from Ancient Otherside. These are topsecret of our Life, and never permit to outsiders to this Secret. These Woods are made into our Wagons and Yurts, Paos.

 We eat Meats, Milk and Products from Our Herds besides our Beloved Horses as Hero Gon Garil in Desperation Legend. And we got clothes from this Bond, we shun Luxury and despise Habits of Redhair Bastards. Never permit their Decadance invade our Way.

 We fought against many Traditional Enemies and sacrificed their Bloods as much as possible even after Kargzant had not returned back to us since Night of Horror. Because we know Kargzant became Ruler of Underworld as Darkness Age, did not become Dead as Outsiders believe. We do so.

What is important in my life?
 Obedience to righteous Chieftains, Khans and Leaders. Valor in War. Horse is sacred and symbol of our clan unity, if we cannot keep Magic of Horses which connected Kargzant and Arandyla properly, Unjust Leader will be chosen, we are forced to obey Unjust Rulers, and Supporters and Loyalty, Fidelity went to Mad Direction. If Supporters became Rebels against Chosen Leader, they should tragedically be executed. But that is rightful only when we can keep Tradition of Magic and our Friends. Kargzant will burn us with Flame of Justice without Support of our Horses in Spirit World. That is contract between Sun and his Horse.

Who rules us?
 Chosen Leader rules us. He was selected from Henird Accomplished Adults who keep blood of True Bloodline of Clanfounder, but Hyalor taught us how we can adopt foreigners who lost their memory to their Ancestor related to our Great Spirits. So some of Clan Great Heros and Chieftains had foreign customs. Their Best is Bronzesword Prophet. He rules us in the course with traditions, Will of Great Djinn and Ancestors.

What makes a person great?
 There are always Two Path, Hero Path and Good Slavery. Sheng Seleris taught us about latter because he well know all of People cannot go into Hero Path. And a Hero requires support of his Slaves in the course of their Willingness. Freedom is coming from Will of Kargzant and Fate, we could not avoid Fate if that befalls over us.

What is evil?
 Disobedience is Evil. And Peace is Evil for men, Cold is Evil for Women. When Kargzant could not drink enough Bloods, his Color became from Red into Yellow, and later went to White. And Kralorelans and Dara Happans thrived under Weakened Kargzant. We should not tolerate these status, because Kargzant could not find his enemy in the Underworld.

 If so, Long Winter will return back again to our golden Steppes. We could not live long without Trees and Fires. Coldness coming from Stasis and Not Moving. Many Elders in tales who could not accept Fate which Kargzant bestowed them denied to support Justice of Kargzant and fell to Seduction of Spiders. They made Two Empires. Kargzant may abandone us again eternally, never permit this condition.

What is my lot in life?

How do we deal with others?

 As Kargzant taught us, War is coming from Trick. Always we should start war with Trickery. Lose is nothing, and Victory is everything. So if Outsiders including our neighborhood Clans coming to us, you should never decide solely your action unless you got Loyalities from your Clanmates as a Leader or Chieftain.

 Enemies all know our nature hard to deceive, so they scarcely come before us as Friends, and want to attack immidiately. But some of Outsiders were compatriotsof Seleran Empire, so we should respect them even if they forget our memory.

 Storm Orlanthi were long lost descendants of our Friend Gods. We still didn't know enough about them as Bronzesword Prophet, we know they are always worst Enemy of Lunar Empire as Kingdom of Tarsh and Seleran Empire were Firm Allies against Lunar Empire.

 Sun Tribes are Our Neighborhoods because they still foolishly support their son as if they cannot understand what happened in Night of Horror and revered Enemy God as before Kargzant reigned. They are Ignorants and their Blood should be consumed for Kargzant of Underworld, but as Bronze Sword Prophet saying, they are deceived by Enemies, We should guard and ally with them if Outsiders want to destroy them, because they were also supporters of Sheng Seleris. Guard them but raid them for Kargzant.

 Orathorn Sorcerors were One of Sheng Seleris' Supporters and controlled his Constructs and Instructs for Empire's Welfare. (Some of them are still incomprehensible. But Sheng's intention was always right in Long Terms.) They used Foreign and Strange Magic which we didn't know any similar example. After Sheng Seleris was enslaved by Lunars, they fought against Lunars with us, but Disastor of Night of Horror which broght us many deads removed them from us. (They insisted that was coming from Accident in the Cause of Lunar Evil "Chaotic" Sorcery and their "Logical " Magic) They still can be contacted with us, but we should keep safe distance until situations would be improved.

Who are our enemies?
 Pure Horse Tribes are tragedical Anachronists who believe their Ancient Custom and Magic still have Utilities in the Real Life of Modern Age. So they generally ignore real themselves, slip to Illusionary Mystical Opium and force unreasonable in difficult Situation, many of them died after they refused Hero Gon Garil's Reformation and ignored Short of Working in their Fertility Magic. One of them went to Southern Praxian Land for tracing route of Dead God Yamsa, but they haven't been heard from anywhere since Draconian Empire of West died. Char Uns were Last Group of them and became an Ally of Red Moonies. They showed always very Hostile attitude to us, so we don't need to decide how we treat them.

 Redhair Tribe is a Sympathizer of Redmoon Empire and Enemy of us. They are Bastard Tribe created from Dishonor under Devil Kastok's Lance and don't have True Ancestor Spirits. They keep their Redhairs collecting Children from Neighborhood Clans and Foreign Tribes, sold their Own Children without Redhair. They are not Human and Minion of Red Coldness. They got Prosperity with their Trade between Empires, we will kill them and let wolves eat their corpses, plunder their wealth. They always work as Spies and served to Demon Empire like Women.

 Two Empires of Lowland West and East is Legacy of Evil after Kargzant firstly abandoned Center of this World. Western Redmoon Empire is Ally of Dozakis and Successors of Lier Ialam they have pretended them as true Supporters of Sun, Pelorian Bowl is always filthy with their empty Luxury and Sweet Lie. Kill them and deprave their Secrets but never permit their False Customs invade us more as Redhairs. Of course Lunars are Worst Enemies in this World. Second is Kralorelans. Sheng Seleris knew how we should treat them fairly, but they still enslave him.

 Since Hell Crack opened and Dozakis crawled from Backhill Path, and Golden Bow and Hyalor drove them to Edge of the World, Northern Dozakis and Denizens of Northeastern Chern Durel are always attacking us with every method, but we always defeated them. But they are too poor to raid or ravage, so we want to avoid them as we can. They are always hungry for Food and Meat, and dangerous more than Desperate Blue Wolves. So we can took advantage from them using against Other Minions of Outer Coldness.

 Southern Praxians are living in Land of Giants who ruled bountiful Garden before Kargzant dethroned and went westward. But Giants were killed by Outer Demon of Coldness and Hatred, and South Wind and Witch Eirisa mated and copied our Pact between Kargzant and his Horse. But Witch could not satisfy her Children and plotted conspiracy against us, after Hero Hyalor saw through her Deception and revealed her Crime to Goddess Hippoi, they were Enemy of us, and kill all of Horses as soon as see them.

Who are our Djinn (Gods)?
 We know our Djinni has many faces, attributes, natures. They are very complex existences beyond human, the more greater they became, the more intricated their nature will be. Once foreigners who conquered Kralorela analyzed our Worship for their purpose, and they tricked Kargzant and his family to cut themselves into many pieces volutarily. That weakened both of our Spirits and Gods, and greatly helped our enemies, that should never be repeated again.

 Sheng Seleris taught us how we can integrate them again, and we can now happily receceive both Service of Shamans and Benefit of Blood Sacrifice without trouble. After Lunars enslaved him, Redhair Missionaries came to us and lied about him he was Darkside of Lunar "Illuminati" and advised us to abandone our Way. That is another trick.

 Kargzant was our Greatest God and Allfather Spirit, our First Ancestor Djinni. But he stayed in the Underworld and let his Rebellous son freely trick us for some reason since Tragedy of Night of Horror. We still revere him, but never take same Ceremony as before NofH because it will work only for strengthening enemy Lunars and Ialam. If we can free our Greatest Shaman Sheng Seleris once more, we will be able to restart his worship.

 Four Sons and Four Daughters of Kargzant are Backbone in the Worship of Kargzant and still have same influence over our Culture though their father is enslaved in the Underworld. Each of them represents one of Age and class Status Groups and some of Elite who belongs to their Own Age Group has privilege to join and access for Special Subcults, such as Jaldan's Goldenbow and Henird's Polester Warleader and Chieftain Subcults.

 Four Windlords were once our Enemy but Bronzesword Prophet appeared before us, he revealed how Kargzant and Four Brothers tricked our Enemies. Since Ka rgzant was replaced to Ialam the Enemy, they patronized our Society, but their Worshippers generally show surly attitude toward us than their Gods.



 Agartu Say Sheng Seleris

 Gon Garil, Dijaar and his Six Friends, Jenarong, Lendarsh

What is there to go around here?

Dastal Hunter Constellation
Jardan Warrior Planet Lightfore
Henird Leader Star Polaris
Josad Elder Star Arra

End of The Glorantha Digest V8 #400

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