Re: Crimson Bat's Darksense

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 18:16:52 EDT

Adam Canning:

<< > Indeed; about 170 or so species do without, mainly
> because their
> eyesight is perfectly good and they have the decency to
> sleep through the
> night and only fly about when its light enough to see what
> they're doing :-)

 Which leads to the truly important questions.  

 "Can the Crimson Bat echolocate or does it fly by its own glow? >>

     As its a demon, not a real bat, surely the correct answer is "whichever is coolest"? :-)

     Although, you have to admit, all the pictures show the thing looking like a Microchiropteran (sonar using, nocturnal) bat. A multi-eyed, triple-tongued Microchiropteran bat spawned in the very bowels of hell, to be sure, but still...

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