Great Gods

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:46:58 +1200

Chris Lemens:

>I thought (though I don;t follow
>western stuff at all) that saints and false gods were
>energy node type things.

Saints exist on the sorcery planes, but false gods do not. If you like, the Malkioni understand the spirit and god planes as sorcery planes that have become corrupted by the Great Error.

> > Worlath is worshipped by the Aeolians as a Divine
> > Saint and going by the example of Saint Taurox, the
> > object of their worship is a theistic god rather
> > than a sorcerous entity.

>Given that St. Taurox is part of a Defiant entity and
>Storm Bull may not be a Great God, I'm not entirely
>sure it is a good example.

Bugger, I forgot about that. The point is that Aeolian cult of Taurox is misapplied worship of _non-sorcerous_ entity rather a natural sorcerous entity. Hence Worlath is a name that the Malkioni give to Orlanth rather than being an independent entity.

>If it is true that Transcendant Concepts
>have expression as Great Gods, Giant Spirits, True
>Beings, etc., then you really don't need the Defiant
>Entity class anymore.

You still do AFAIK. Worshippers of Orlanth are not normally able to manifest the powers of his other expression(s) while the worshippers of Storm Bull/Urox are able to do so by learning his secret.

> > AFAIK Little Brother is misapplied ecstatic worship
> > of Orlanth rather than an actual echo.

>I don't know why it should be misapplied worship.
>Rain Man is just another Praxian spirit who comes in
>to visit from the west.

But Rain Man (if he is Orlanth) is _not_ a spirit, he is a god that controls rain godlings. There's no corresponding spirit that the Praxians can use to manipulate those rains. Thus the Praxians, if they want to use his magic, will find it difficult to contact him. That is why they use their own spirits.

>What's your definition of
>a true being? Does it have to be native to the
>Sorcery Plane?

True Being is a Malkioni term, meaning a being residing on the Saints Plane. It's meant to include both Saints and Philosophers (like Zzabur).

>Instead of "otherworld homes" I should
>have just said "otherworlds". Frex, can Lodril and
>Balumbasta worshippers access the same events on each
>of the spirit and god planes, as the worshippers of
>Storm Bull and Urox seem to?

Lodrili cannot normally access Balumbastan events on the Spirit Plane and vice versa. However if they visit the other place, they might recognize the similarity (as Arkat did) and find some way of harnessing it.

> > For example:
> > are both Kendamalanar (the Agimori Sun Spirit) and
> > Halamalao the same entity as Kargzant? If not, then
> > how do they differ?

>I think that the structure of great gods, great
>spirits, and true beings expressing transcendant
>concepts only implies the above if you also believe
>that one and only one of each type can express it (or
>hold the rune, if you will).

I'm fairly certain it is the case for gods, I'm far less certain that it holds for spirits and essences.

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