Re: Odayla

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 16:45:40 +0100 (BST)

Peter Metcalfe:
> He is more than the god presented in Storm Tribe but he
> cannot replace Orlanth.

Again, aside from your Lego blocks, what basis do you have for this contention? If you have no actual evidence from Glorantha, as distinct from meta-theories about same, then that's your tough luck, not mine.

> Furthermore the Sylilans are not Odaylings, they also worship the
> Iron Ram and a number of other gods.

I believe I'm not asserting that "the Sylilans are Odaylings", but rather, "some Sylilans at some historical epoch have been Odaylings", in the cultural god sense. This is certainly the clear impression I've gotten from Greg's comments about his role in Sylila, at any rate. (Drunken hazes, and Greg-gregs-himself being the obvious caveats to make.)

> >(For those troubled by the cosmic implication, the "real answer"
> >is of course is that Odalya is "related to", or even part-identified
> >with, Orlanth.)
> Orlanth worship in the Lunar Empire? I doubt it very much. I
> don't think the Lunars are stupid enough to allow the worship
> of Orlanth-as-Odayla within the Empire and I do know from the
> example of shared cults, that gloranthans have a pretty good
> idea of who they are worshipping.

It's clear, surely, that I did not say "Orlanth-as-Odayla". He's a different god, whom one might regard as stemming from a similar/ "the same" transcendent power. In any event, I have only the vaguest of notions about the role of Odayla in Sylila in modern times.

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