
From: Jerome Blondel <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 05:03:37 +0000


Peter Metcalfe:
>A much better explanation is that Plentonius not knowing who
>figure IV-18 was, identified her with Gamara to defame the
>horse people

So, the Nivorah rune which is her head isn't a Nivorah rune, after all. But maybe it's another example of Yelm's all-reaching Omniscience?

"You, Gamara, i foresee you will end up howling in the Fourth Hell and your arms will be torn off by my sister-in-Divine Law."

>I do not believe all Pentans were Starlight Wanderers.

Didn't they all worship stars in addition to their horses? That doesn't necessarily make them all Starlight Wanderers, but that's what i thought.

>>Despite this, KoS (The Battle of Alavan Argay) implies that all
>>Pentans were Pure Horse people before the Gongarilli's emergence.
>>So why did the Pentan hyal degenerate first?
>There are a number of possible reasons. My own thinking is that
>the Pentan Hyalorings survived on Pent as the Pure Horse People
>until they were forced south by General Kastok's campaigns. When
>they arrived in Prax and Dragon Pass, they already had herds of

It's workable and nicely explains the Pure Horse People's keeping that name, but it's rather downplaying the Feather Horse Queen's mythical deeds in reviving the entire Goldeneye breed IMO. All that's left to her is her own feathered hearse.


(I'm sorry)

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