Graham Robinson:
> The Digest is dead - Long live the Digest!
*raucous cheering*
Joerg Baumgartner:
> Volsaxar itself is somewhat undefined. The 30,000 Volsaxi of the three
> Whitewall tribes are only a third of the Heortling population of
> Volsaxar. They have a tribal confederation similar to the Sartarite city
> rings, probably thanks to Tarkalor's meddling with the trolls. The
> southern inhabitants of Volsaxar might be centered on Smithstone (I
> assume that this is a city about the size of Backford) and Karse, as
> much as Heortlings can be said to be centered on a place.
Now that's just adding to my confusion... BA seems to imply the the "Volsaxi" are different from the Sylangi, etc, but I didn't understand it in the above manner at all. So basically you're saying there are about 9 large V. tribes, occupying all of "lowland" Heortland? (Pardon my hand-waving, most of the relevant material is at home in a large "tomorrow night's game" pile.)
> The Whitewall Volsaxi rebelled against the Kitori domination (which may
> have been imposed by the Pharaoh).
Not by the OOO?
> ROTO states that clans are exogamous - which may well read that they are
> not restricted to wives from their own clan. The incest references refer
> to forbidden clans. There is nothing to indicate that intra-clan
> procreation is necessarily incest, as long as bloodlines are kept apart.
> Remember that the Quivini are ultra-conservatives, and the triaties and
> similar taboos stem from this fact.
> Evidence isn't that hard on ROTO...
Indeed. Just about hard enough for we dissenters to feel cheesed off, not enough to "prove" anything.
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