>King Bryan evacuates the City of Wonder to Harrek. What's the meaning
>of it?
He's allowing Harrek to sack the City in return for continued military support.
"Broyan also urged [Argrath] to ask Harrek to come and help [...]. So Harrek came too and as payment he asked for Broyan's Greatest City. The unhappy king could only agree." KoS p22
The consequences of this are severe. When Broyan marches north in 1625:
"Among the Kitori, a small bright light was snuffed out, and a demon which had many sharp mouths was let out of its skin. It sought vengeance, and fell upon the army of King Broyan while they slept. The king could not keep it away, because he betrayed the City of Wonders, and he was killed there with his army." KoS p152.
At first I thought Broyan had betrayed his oaths to the Pharaoh by allowing Harrek to plunder it, but this is not the case considering that Broyan is now known to be a Pharaonic foe.
I'm now thinking that since the City disappeared before Harrek could plunder it properly (VoG), he and his boon companions turned up drunk at Whitewall feeling cheated and demanding compensation. Broyan forced to make a difficult decision, decides wrongly and allows Harrek to plunder Whitewall instead. This betrayal of his coronation oaths exposes him to the vengeance of the demon with many mouths although its identity is unknown.
>In Introduction to HW, Pharaoh forced Heortlanders to use Marches
>and Barons, Earls. Maybe they stopped using them after JarEel killed
I doubt it. After the Pharaoh was killed, Heortland was under the rule of Rikard who would have kept the titles rather than gone back to the older forms.
>And what about the relationship between the Trollish Demigod and
>Volsaxi before Pharaoh came?
I suspect it was somewhat unruly.
>What the modern relation among Black Arkati, Aeolian, and
>God Forgoti?
The God Forgotten are the original Malkioni inhabitants. They did not know of Malkion's murder and became convinced that he had forgotten them.
Shortly after the dawn, Aeolus saved the God Forgotten of the city of Aladis from barbarians and "evil creatures" and so managed to convert them. The location of Aladis is unknown but is probably in south Heortland. The rest of the God Forgotten were not converted.
When Arkat came, he persecuted the Aeolians after their bishop warned his people not to join Arkat. Arkat's arrival marks the beginning of the Black Arkati. These were human worshippers of Arkat and they were powerful among the Heortlings shortly after Nysalor's death. They were purged by traditionalist Heortlings but many survived under the patronage of the Only Old One.
Jerome Blondel:
>According to TR p 237 (Vingkot High King), "Vingkot is the source of
>divine kingship (i.e., a dynastic practice)". However, next says "only
>the tribal kings can confer membership upon a high king". Does that mean
>that once Broyan has been chosen by the tribal kings of the Volsaxar, his
>children may claim kingship in virtue of High King Broyan being their ancestor?
Broyan is eligible to be a High King because he can claim membership of one of the sacral bloodlines (probably from Vingkot through the lineage of Hardrad the Green). To become High King, he must not only have this but the support of the Tribal Kings of the Vosaxar.
His children because they are descended from him are eligible to be high kings but they cannot become high kings unless the tribal king chooses them to succeed Broyan. And they can easily choose a distant cousin over the any direct heirs.
--Peter Metcalfe
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