>Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 20:39:59 +1300
> From: Peter Metcalfe <metcalph_at_bigfoot.com>
>Subject: Re: Yelmic Style Temple
>At 05:13 12/02/02 +0000, you wrote:
>>What do you think about Classical Dara Happan Model Temple?
>The oldest style is the Footstool (or Ziggurat) which dates
>from the Golden Age.
It was called Selshena in GROY and FS (Greg's Lunar Novel). But I am skeptical about such construction have survived long since Golden Age, in Introduction to HW, p.12 Illustration of Jim Pavelic was not remained at least in modern 17C Lunar Empire (Or TakenEgi reconstructed it several times), IMHO Sheng Seleris destroyed it, never broken construction were Raibamus (a sort of Big Stone Clad (Meteor?) and magical pillar (called Shaft, p45 GROY) appearing for Tem Tests of each legitimate Emperors. (I think it is similar to Castle Blue in Lake Oronin.) IMHO, Sheng Seleris could destroy everything except things made from Adamant...even God's Wall was "revised" by him. And each emperors pretend to believe their own Ziggurats are on the tradition of Ancient Golden Age. Of course, in Glorantha, 17C Orlanthi lives correctly "same" lifestyle of Original Heortling in Dawn...
>The Sun Dome style came next in the Dawn
>Age although such temples were apparently never consecrated
>to Yelm (although both Antirius and Yelmalio had many such
>temples built to them in this time).
I think such kind of temple made a focus as "the throne of Emperor" though the person who holds such role doesn't have any power in such temples of "frontier" of Dara Happan Empire. Maybe they don't take apart Dayzatar from Yelm....
A Lyceum to Yelm is
>mentioned in the Fortunate Succession in this time period and
>so probably is a grove of trees.
FS P.77, I think that is a kind of influence from Pelanda in the reign of Erraibdavu. He conquered that area.
>The first Yelm Temples were built in early in the Imperial Age.
>Unfortunately we are not told much about it nor of its style.
Or Greg knows.
>--Peter Metcalfe
>Message: 21
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 12:38:46 -0000
> From: "contracycle" <gamartin_at_nortelnetworks.com>
>Subject: Re: Yelmic Style Temple
>> 6) Objection: Both Lunars and Lunars are Urban Inhabitants living
>> each independent City States, so the matter should be more
>> reconsidered for their more familiarity to western "European" style
>> than eastern "Oriental" style.
>Hmm, maybe, although it might map quite well to the old Egyptian
>cities... along a river... Vertical monoliths interpreted as "frozen
>light" of the sun, monumental statuary, slab-sided temple
>structures. And at least in the predynastic period its probable that
>the "egyptian state" as it comes to be is the synthesis of a number
>of cities and their native gods - osiris, horus, seth.
Maybe. I now try to portrait Dara Happan Cities and Temples in Historical Time, such like collapse of Ancient Egypt after Assyrian / Persian / Alexander destroyed it, and how they have maintenance their ancient tradition. like Hellenistic Egypt?
I think there is much difference among the concept of the each "temples" of any RW cultures...IIRC, "Temple" is derived from Latin Word, I don't know how ancient Great Temple of Fray in Uppsala of Sweden keeping their custom, but I think Orlanthi has different concept of their statuettes of their pantheon aside from DH and Lunar doctrines.
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