>What is VoG?
Visions of Glorantha. A book of gloranthan stories that came in the deluxe Hero Wars rules.
> > The God Forgotten are the original Malkioni inhabitants.
> > They did not know of Malkion's murder and became convinced
> > that he had forgotten them.
>In Tradetalk Magazine #4&5, it seems that they who lost their forgotten
>gods (no connection to Western Kingdom of Logic) have been ruled by
>Brithini Atheists since Great Darkness. (Ingareens? I don't know how
>Shannon knew and/ or created these.)
Well, the Aeolians article does state that when contacted, the God Forgotten worshipped the One God (if wailing that God has forgotten us could be called worship) but spoke a strange language.
> > Shortly after the dawn, Aeolus saved the God Forgotten
> > of the city of Aladis from barbarians and "evil creatures"
> > and so managed to convert them. The location of Aladis is
> > unknown but is probably in south Heortland. The rest of
> > the God Forgotten were not converted.
>City God Orlanth?
I'm not sure what you mean.
> > When Arkat came, he persecuted the Aeolians after their bishop
> > warned his people not to join Arkat. (SNIP) They were purged by
> > traditionalist Heortlings but many survived under the patronage
> > of the Only Old One.
>I don't know where these information derived from.
The information about Arkat fighting with the Aeolians is given under the information for Saint Arvanad:
The struggle of the Heortlings against the Arkati is mirrored in Aeolians in the life of Saint Keranel. However the Arkati survived because of the existence
--Peter Metcalfe
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