>> Much of the politics of Heortland currently hinges on the status
>> of King Rikard. I've heard contradictory statements on whether
>> he is an Aeolian or not (first he was, then he wasn't, now it
>> seems he is).
> Many Reaching Moon Megacorp Publishments.
In David Hall's Greydog Campaign, in our Malkioni Freeform "How the West was One", and in the scenario in Tales #13 ("Go West!"), Richard the Tiger-Hearted is consistently portrayed as a Rokari mercenary from Seshnela. Not an Aeolian. In fact, his imported Seshnelan clergy persecute the "heretical, semi-pagan" Aeolians with crusading vigour! YGMV, of course.
Cheers, Nick
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