>Hendriki (or Hendreiki) have outgrown any normal size for
>tribes or even tribal confederations during the roughly 1200 years
>of their history starting as refugee bnd.
I really don't see what relevance this has to the issue of the Hendreiki being a tribe or not. The Hendreiki King was not an ordinary King but chosen by the Larnsti. Before the Pharaoh, the Hendreiki are a "clannish folk" (Glorantha: Intro p132) and so the best label for the Hendreiki as a whole is "tribe". When Andrin returns, he does not break the Hendreiki up into tribes but using a different method of organizing them.
>The Quivini are a "back to the roots" movement with IMO about as
>much historical authenticity as the Rokari, i.e. they constructed
>a historical model from what information they had.
The Quivini look pretty authentic to me in preserving their traditions considering they left at the same time as Andrin was starting his reforms.
> >The other Hendreiki tribes accept the Pharaoh and so Heortland has
> >two kings.
>Given the "well-defined" terms "king" or even "high king" and "tribe",
>I hesitate to fix the number of kings of or in Heortland.
I don't see what the problem is. Beneath the King of Heortland, there are three earls, not tribal kings and a number of barons.
>The Pharaoh forced the majority of the Heortlanders to take part
>in his sixfold structure.
"forced" is wrong. The Heortlanders freely accepted the Pharaoh with only a minority (the future Volsaxi and Quivini tribes) dissenting.
>The Hendreiki aren't an organisation unit,
Yes, they are. They know themselves to be a) a kingdom and b) a tribe.
>If you prefer to use conflicting terms, ok, but then how do you
>call the organisational state of the Esvularings or Jondalarings?
As I said before, Earldoms and Marches.
>Well, Sartar did not invent the city organisation of Wilmskirk
>entirely out of the blue.
Why not?
>He had experience with the Heortland cities.
Which are run on western lines, which is far removed from the Sartarite system where the local tribes have a say in the running of the city.
--Peter Metcalfe
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