>I've just had an amusing vision of a latterday God Learner dismissing
>Sartarite Heortling culture as "inauthentic," something like an
>SCA*/Renaissance Fayre re-creation of *real* Heortling ways...
"Not the kind of material our forebears had to work with. Dem goode aulde times..."
Too bad they got soft on the initiation rites.
>Thanks for that, Joerg. (And yes, I know the same accusation can be
>levelled at the progressive, utopian vision of a Perfect Lunar Society).
If you want some amusing inspiration for this, look at the various protestant sects in the 16th century. Back to a popeless church, right? And then you get iconoclasts and the Muenster sect. Rabid, frothing and foaming, willing to die fighting, or to try a deadly environment for a brave New World.
What I'm saying is that Harmast picked up what ways of Heort people remembered. What were the Sacred Season rites before Harmast's Westfaring like? Some version of the IFWW?
Among modern Heortlings, Heort is invoked, but not worshipped. Funny, that...
I still have fun with the idea that Belintar came to Heortland, confronted the yet unzombiefied king Andrin and summoned forth Heort in person.
Something like
King Andrin: "We can't do that. Never have..."
Heort: "Sez who? Of course we did!"
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