> >The Quivini look pretty authentic to me in preserving their
> >traditions considering they left at the same time as Andrin
> >was starting his reforms.
>The Quivini left with notions that what they had before wasn't enough.
They left to preserve what they had among other things. There's no sign in the Colymar book of the Quivini undertaking the Great Leap Backwards and one would be hard pressed to understand how a disunited people managed to make exactly the same changes!
AFAIK the life of a Quivini clan was mostly the same as it was for a Heortlander clan before the Pharaoh. The big difference was that the Heortlanders had the Larnsti to help them while the Quivini had to make do with new-fangled tribes.
>They had to rediscover their mythic identity once they were settled
They had their ancestors, they had their myths. What else do they need?
>and came up with their own oral parallel to the Abiding Book of
What "parallel to the Abiding Book" do they have? There's no difference in mythology between the Heortlanders and the Quivini.
>The did not retain close contact with the priests back home.
Why should they need to? All the magic and lore that the Orlanthi need can be found within their own clan.
--Peter Metcalfe
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