Storm Tribe suggests that Ana Gor is always found there, because Havan Vor's blood spilled there. Sorana Tor is an incarnation of Ana Gor, and so represents a person, but the priestess may be someone who arrived with Arim, and was chosen chosen to incarnate the godess.
>I don't know how great was the conflict among Hwarin
Dalthippa, Mithuinn Moonhater, or other Storm
Barbarian Alakorings, but
The history of the Lunar Empire and Martin Laurie'notes on the Mithchuinn are the major sources, but IMO it seems to have beey years of barbarian raids which led to a campaign of suppression by the Conquering Daughter, after the death of her husband and son. THe defeat of the Kynnlefing Alliance seems to have been fairly quick and comprehensive.
Era of Yarandros
>Rivalry between Yelmic (?) Tradition and Heortling
Tradition. He
succeeded his title by the blood, not by the approval
of Shaker's Temple and Kero
Fin Authority,
Yarandros introduced hereditary kingship i.e. you must be kin of Yarandros to rule. It remains uncertain or whether the king's eldest and closest male relative is heir to the throne, or whether a new king is elected from any available members of the blood (like Hamlet - 'He popped in between the election and my hopes'). My impression is that Vingkot may have meant that latter, but Yarnadros imposed the former, but it is a guess.
I'm not sure about your Yelmic tradition comment. Yarandros does reject the open election system, but I do not think he adopted Yelmic views, he justifies his power through a (mis?)reading of Vingkotling traditions. Note that Sartar seems to adopt this model too - rulers come from the House of Sartar.
> and he drove Grazer Authority and filled the cavalry
army by the Pol Joni
Yarandros seems to steal the magic of horses from the
Grazers. Derik and the Pol Joni are inheritors of
Era of Ilaro
>He called his people Alakoring because he thought he
was a heir of Alakoring...
No, the Tarsh settlers come from Southern Peloria, in particular Saird, and identify themselves as Alakorings before Illaro.
Ian Cooper
"Women as well as men were recruited to restrain combatants, sometimes dampening their weapons by throwing clothing over them. Peacemaking of this sort required srength and courage more than negotiating skills...The clothing was more sign than substance, like the bell signalling the end of a round, and it seems that the sign was not without significant cultual force." - Bloodtaking and Peacemaking by William Ian Miller
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