>The Harandings were Dureving Orlanthi from Maniria.
Whatever the Harandings might have been, that they were Durevings is one of the least likely possibilities. The Durevings lived to the south of Kethaela in the now sunken "Old Lands", Envorela and Mavorela. Sevid OTOH is given over to Ernalda.
>It is possible that Zombie Andrin used the Malkioni word for King rather
>than the Heortling term for High King
I think that step was taken by Rikard.
>(in keeping with renaming and restructuring the other positions of rank -
>compare Peter Metcalfe's Moirades Khorz decree in Unspoken Word #1.
*sigh* - if you are going to quote me as support then I deny that the Heortland positions of rank were renamed and restructured. Secondly the apparent malkionization was only visible with hindsight - adopting Malkioni titles left, right and centre at the very beginning would have been far too obvious a sign for anybody to miss.
--Peter Metcalfe
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