>The Ingareens have no prophets (other than Zzabur's doctrine). They are
>largely ignorant of the Fifth Action, or possibly deny that it happened
>that way.
No Malkioni (whether they be believers or atheists) can be ignorant of the fifth action. They have different interpretations whether it be sacrifice or destruction.
>The only "Malkioni" culture they had regular contact with were the
>Waertagi, who are similarly untouched by the changes in religious
>perspective which came with the Fifth Action.
The Waertagi, the Brithini and every other Malkioni were all touched by the Fifth Action. It even affected Zzabur to such an extent that he realized how to cast the Great Spell to save the Cosmos.
>During the God Learner Era, the Ingareens received mainly the Zistorite
>Knowledgists, who probably didn't have much truck with the niceties of
>the Abiding Book and a similar "atheist" outlook.
AFAIK the Zistorite movement was a philosophy indigenous to God Forgot as they tried to understand the newly revealed Malkioni wisdom. That it had adherents beyond its borders only shows its popularity.
--Peter Metcalfe
--Peter Metcalfe
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