I sent this message in before, but it never seems to have arrived -- at least not in my in box.
Are potatoes grown anywhere in Glorantha? I imagine that Pamaltela has yams of some sort, but how about good old spuds? They don't seem to know about them in Sartar. Potatoes seem kind of Earthy, so I could imagine Esrolia having them, but why wouldn't their cultivation have spread? I also kind of like the idea of Malkioni farmers laboring in the tater fields; that's far enough from Dragon Pass to explain their lack in Sartar (Ralian Orlanthi might know about them). I suppose some brute could have messed with the Potato Goddess and ruined the crop for Dragon Pass -- maybe Arkat brought a potato blight with him to screw with the Bright Empire. Any ideas?
Peter Larsen
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