> Are potatoes grown anywhere in Glorantha?
As RW maize and potatoes comes from the New world, I think Pelorian farmers must have some in their vegetable patch.
>They don't seem to know about them in Sartar. Potatoes seem
>kind of Earthy, so I could imagine Esrolia having them, but
>why wouldn't their cultivation have spread?
Ernalda is a grain goddess, her blessings would not work on potatoes. It is a major effort to bring a new goddess to the land and there is no guarantee that the crops will be increased. If potatoes are Pelorian plants, Heortlings wouldn't even try.
Moreover, RW potatoes need a lot of water in Summer usually from irrigation. The Oslir river provides irrigation unlike the Creek.
>maybe Arkat brought a potato blight with him to screw with the
>Bright Empire.
With his Troll association, he would rather have loosed Gorakiki, Mother of Doryphore (Colorado beetle).
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