But maize in Glorantha came from the Kingdom of Ignorance originally. HonEel's trick was getting it to grow in Peloria.
>>They don't seem to know about them in Sartar. Potatoes seem
>>kind of Earthy, so I could imagine Esrolia having them, but
>>why wouldn't their cultivation have spread?
>Ernalda is a grain goddess, her blessings would not work on
>potatoes. It is a major effort to bring a new goddess to the
>land and there is no guarantee that the crops will be increased.
>If potatoes are Pelorian plants, Heortlings wouldn't even try.
Ernalda is a little more than a grain goddess, although the grain goddesses and animal goddesses make up most (if not all) the sub-cults of Esrola. We're told (TR 203) that Esrola's magic works on garden vegetables; maybe there are ceremonies honoring Garden-Ernalda, the mother of all the small daimones who watch over the carrots, beets, etc. At any rate, you think she could bless potatoes, which would, I think, be tended in fairly small plots.
>Moreover, RW potatoes need a lot of water in Summer usually from
>irrigation. The Oslir river provides irrigation unlike the Creek.
That's a good reason, although I imagine that getting water to crops is not a huge problem for the rain-calling Orlanthi.
>>maybe Arkat brought a potato blight with him to screw with the
>>Bright Empire.
>With his Troll association, he would rather have loosed Gorakiki,
>Mother of Doryphore (Colorado beetle).
Maybe, or a fungus from Mee Vorala.
Anybody know anything about beans? Are pintos cooked in Calandraland? Marrow beans in the West? Soy beans must be grown in Kralorela, along with red and yellow beans> Who's got tomatoes (That seems like a Kingdom of Ignorance thing to me)?
Peter Larsen
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