Peter Larsen:
> I sent this message in before, but it never seems to have
> arrived -- at least not in my in box.
Maybe it went to the Zombie Digest, currently being populated by Incognito and Ingo? (Maybe this weekend will we issues of two different Glorantha Digests, and none of hw-rules or herowars...)
> Are potatoes grown anywhere in Glorantha? I imagine that
> Pamaltela has yams of some sort, but how about good old spuds? They
> don't seem to know about them in Sartar. Potatoes seem kind of
> Earthy, so I could imagine Esrolia having them, but why wouldn't
> their cultivation have spread? I also kind of like the idea of
> Malkioni farmers laboring in the tater fields; that's far enough from
> Dragon Pass to explain their lack in Sartar (Ralian Orlanthi might
> know about them). I suppose some brute could have messed with the
> Potato Goddess and ruined the crop for Dragon Pass -- maybe Arkat
> brought a potato blight with him to screw with the Bright Empire. Any
> ideas?
I imagine that Genertela has spuds, since the model for its flora and fauna seems to be essentially North American, in some at least stream of conscious fashion. I'm not so sure of anywhere they'd be a staple, though. Maybe eastern Fronela and western Peloria? (Hey, an excuse for Carmanian Vodka, to continue my campaign of invoking the Forbidden God and having wildly anachronistic technology like distillation (or the effective equivalent) hither and yon.)
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