>>As RW maize and potatoes comes from the New world, I think
>>Pelorian farmers must have some in their vegetable patch.
Pete McAveney
>>Sounds mythically wrong to me. Don't tubers have associations with
>>elemental darkness? I can't see self-respecting Dara Happans eating
>>In the RW potatoes have a radical effect on a culture when they're
>>introduced - they are several times more productive than grain crops
>>on a calories per acre basis. Usually this creates a population boom
>>of really, really poor people.
>>(No one subsists on potatoes when bread is a viable alternative.)
David Dunham & Peter Metcalfe
>>The Seven Mothers pass out potato bread and soup:
>>Beatpot refused to "peel another spud for the empire"
Peter Larsen
>But maize in Glorantha came from the Kingdom of Ignorance
>originally. HonEel's trick was getting it to grow in Peloria.
Points taken. So the potatoes where brought along with the maize They are grown somewhere, perhaps in slave farms like maize, and sent to 7M temples to feed the Lunar mob where you don't find self-respecting Dara Happans.
Potatoes also find their way to the Lunar Army since armies are known to feed about anything to soldiers (remember the Walktapus biscuit).
Prejudice against both the tuber and the consumers explains the lack of Dara happan documents and the Empire would not advertise too much about the way it supports the mob.
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