>What sort of mythic connection would go with wild rice in the various
>where available? Not everyday food in Sartar or the Lunar Empire, but
>enough around marshes and swamps.
Actually wild rice grows in lakes and rivers (http://www.greyowlfoods.com/goricestuff.html), not marshes and swamps so it may or may not grow in Sartar although it does have a lot of rivers but I've always seen it as a Europe equivalent, not North American. Frankly I've always mentally associated wild rice with wilder areas and Sartar's too tame. I think Trotsky said that Fronela was the Canada equivalent in Glorantha so it and surrounding regions would probably be the best location for it. I doubt very much that it would be a cultivated crop (though it is on Earth in part) so any mythic associations would have to be with a nature goddess/spirit.
Now that I think about it I believe the Balazarings have a myth about a daughter of the Wild Mother who's associated with wild rice. (The image of the Balazarings harvesting wild rice from the Elf Sea while beating off plesiosaurs is too good to pass on). Let's see what I can come up with.
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