From HW mailing list:
<<From: Greg Stafford <Greg_at_g...>
Date: Fri Feb 15, 2002 4:24 am
Subject: Re: [HeroWars] Yelmic Style Temple
At 05:13 AM 2/12/2002 -0000, you wrote:
>What do you think about Classical Dara Happan Model Temple?
Mythic eras can be visited of course, and created an objective towards
which Dara Happan artists worked. Thus their prehistoric and Khordavuera
slow changes. To us, it looks "Early Middle Eastern."
Dara Happan art and material culture is static until acted upon by an
outside force. The outside force for most of their internal change
has been
Pelanda. Pelandan style is resisted then adopted by DH emperors
history. Thus over centuries the Middle Eastern" architecture of
gradually gives way to a more-Sassinid like (Greek) style.
When Takenegi undertook the rebuilding of the empire after SS many
came from Pelanda, and the prevalent style "today" is similar to the
style Greek temples. Of course, he has also rebuilt the prehistoric
ziggurants as well, for magical purposes.
Below is my recent unofficial view for the City of Ziggurat. If you think I should change or correct somewhere, please teach me.
After the Short Description of Genertela Box, some of Unofficial Articles enlarged the original system and physical status of Dara Happan City.
Raibanth can be divided to Three Districts, firstly I thought these are just simply divided by the Oslir and Joat, but in the Lunar Map of Martin Laurie and Wesley Quadros, I began to think about there are another short bay exists like Constanstinople is divided by the Golden Horn. And the Coast of South West is owned Darjiini, Amuli. (Alkothians might enrage such filthy lives near of Sacred Center of Dara Happa!)
Raibanth is the both trading Center and Religious Center even after Good
Shore has stolen some role of trade among the confluence of Satrapies of
Silver Shadow, Darjiin, Doblian and Kostaddi.Though perfectly Glamour robbed
the role of Political Center of Dara Happa, annually TakenEgis perform the
Ritual of Land Fertility and taming of Oslira River. (I think they also
performed Hunting Ritual in the suburb of Raibanth as Ancient Persian
And Each Masks performed Final of Ten Tests in the Selshena of Raibanth. And
the Cluster extended from Glamour jointed the Three Great City of Silver
The Nobles of Raibanth are political creatures, such like Assiday Family, some of Nobles still hold Great influence beyond the city walls seem to do with outside world with dignity (arrogance), sophistication (decadence) and flexibility (infidelity). They rules the three Tripolis and the invisible strings that secretly manipulated the Ordanstum and other traditional Structure of the Empire.
Central Structure of Raibanth
"Raibanth, the City of Emperors, in the center. It was the home of Murharzarm."(GROY p.12)
"7. The Raibanth Bridge. Murharzarm built the great Bridge of Luxites across the Oslira." (GROY p.13)
When Humanity and Dadami (Fire Daemons) lived together as in the Manarlavus Dome, there was not much difference between Palace, Temple and Meeting Hall of People. Sacrifice was directly accepted by Daemons and people ate the meat of sacrifice while their immortal friends ate and drink the Fire and Scent of Banquet. Raibanth was modeled by the most Sacred City of Yelm, now lost Yuthubars. It was perfectly modelled the Order of Celestial Bodies, Palace =Yelm and Eight Gates = Planets of Yelm Princes.
"Then Khorventos enclosed the Bright Palace." (GROY p.20)
""I am the Emperor," said Emperor Oravinos, "And let me remind you that this
throne is on the top of the world. No flood can harm us, and I promise I
will apologize to you good lords if your feet get wet." They all laughed
daintily at his joke." (Sshorga: Belintar's Book)
After Nestendos invaded to this city, Murharzarm overcame it and it became Oslir River, and Murharzarm induced the River Conqueror Role in his Ten Tests. (It reminds me Sacred Annual Ritual of Babylon: Malduk and Tiamat) He made Bridge between the West and East. (I guess) And the River cut down the Perfect Circle of City with her Novelty. Murharzarm built his Palace over the Shore of River (After the Flood, it was sunk under the mud and change of course in the River.) Selshena is abandoned as a natural residence (Palace) of Emperors, but survived the Symbol of Dara Happa and the sacred Stage of Ten Tests.
"he asked for new Death Rites to be performed over his grave." (GROY p.29:
I don't think Dara happans built monuments or graves for their Dead Emperors as Egyptians or Chinese, or Other Ancient People because they burn their corpse as Orlanthi or Greek heroes in Iliad. But I think sometimes similar tradition uprose and down in long historical change. I choose Anaxial Era is such Time. Because Emperors still lived long and death was unnatural for them. They built Great Palace and it became their Grave after they died. Because sometimes they expected their father might return. Later, these monuments became Temples of Anaxial Emperors. Maybe Zasturnic Game and Chariot Race began at that time though they were performed only as sacred ritual.
"Five Statues, God's Wall, Yuthuppa Copper Ledger" (GROY p.2)
Alkothians adapted themselves to the Great Darkness for survival, changed such customs or...they submitted to Kazkurtum or Darjiinite Rulers. Except some which could not be destroyed easily as Selshena, Raibamus or God's Wall, most of Anaxialian Monuments were destroyed or defaced. Bravest and Strongest went with Shargash to War, and transcended Death. City Wall was destroyed and Demons and Trolls succumbed the City.
"The Oslira River writhing about, changing its course many times." (GROY
"Emperor Jenarong, who we call the Reawakener and the New Murharzarm, found
the axle pole of the Imperial Chariot, and had it installed in his personal
vehicle and set six white horses to harness." (History of Dara Happan Army:
"At this the River overflowed more, until the city of Raibanth was an
island." (GROY p.41 Son of Evil)
While Jenarongians ruled, gradually Tripolis were rejuvenated, and those city cults regained influence though later Historians under Khordavian Influence denied their services. (Surely some Horse Nomads like Breaker of Walls were apparently antagonistic to the Rural Style Life itself.) Dara Happans regained Strength against oppressive overlords and Avivath the prophet inflamed their capacity.
"That day Yelm's Real Tower appeared in Raibanth, sleek and celestial, and
so bright..." (GROY p.41)
"He agreed, but only if it would be raised at the Shaft of Light." (GROY
p.46: Child of Wrath)
"He completed the magnificent Bridge of Angels" (FS p.19: Anirmesha)
Khordavu Era was the Basic Era when the Foundation of Dara Happan System of Humanity began. Firstly Khordavu was a Leader of Heroic Warlords...but Plentonius and other his supporters (Eusibus?) helped the "Renaissance" of Anaxialian Society. (In that Age, I think Khordavu founded his homebase in the West Shore of Oslira after many floods changed utterly the course of River. The East Shore of City was abandoned and the city wall is much smaller than the Past Age) But foreign Influence could not be ignored, most of them was Pelandan Influence. Because the prosperity of the community itself dissolve the assurance of internal-temperance.
"Khorisimus was one of the Superior Men who lived in the reign of Khorzanelm
the Magnificent and the best charioteer that lived in that epic time. He
instituted the style of racing called Severe Racing." (History of DH Army)
"He heard of wise men who lived in the land of Pelanda" (FS p.20 Erraibdavu
the Conqueror)
They induced many Strange Ideas, like the difference of Philosophy and Religion, Power and Authority, Art and Custom. (I think Yuthuppan gained greater influence from it aside from other two, later typical Dayzatrian Aesthetics appeared after the Jernotians preached their doctrine in their city) The Two Ways of Approach appeared in the course of history, Khorzanelm's Court represented one way. Because people needed the reason why the One was revered as the Incarnation of Yelm among many though he is also a mere human.
"Ketreseus the Sage had been both a man and a woman. He was found in Sylila,
wearing only a feathered cloak and sitting upon the highest limbs of an
apple tree." (FS p. 77: Illumination)
Nysalor was the consequence of both the miracle and randomness, even most conservative Yelmites could not avoid some of Influence from Broken Council, such as Theyalan Calendar or Unified Mythology. And many demihumans, such like Dwarves and Aldryami (Nymphs), participated in the common practice. Nysalorian Method to create new magic and heroes were caused by the mystical philosophy of the Illuminate God. (I think Zasturnic Game was invented or at least show-businessed in such era, it is similar to RW Greek Custom. Later, Lunars reinduced to the traditional Dara Happan System as "classical" custom in Yelmgathic Reform. Romaine Bread and Circus in their specialized instruments.)
"The Yelm religion included absolute denial of Nysalorian Ideals." (FS p.72)
"Ordanestyu said, "The usurpation of the Burningness of Yelm by the evil
emperor Khorzanelm had weakened Him with human passion and limited vision."
Arkat and his supporters changed the course much, only traditionalists survived. And under the martial law of Barbarians, Ordanestyu reformed greatly the social structure and confirmed the division of Temple and Ordanestum (Council of Toga-men) So he founded another way of Dara Happa to the nature of Mundane World. I think still Emperors hold Great Office (Palace) for their own, enen if they didn't hold authority over their subject as their predecessors. Emperors ruled as Roman Consuls rather than Absolute Rulers, but the Centralization of Tripolis was strengthened by the stern (and sometimes harsh) policy of Erzanestyu Dynasty. The Scale of Raibanthi Population reached the peak of increase together with the growing of the boundary of Empire.
"At this time a great conflict broke about between the nobles and the
commoners, who did not want another tax put upon them." (FS p.30 Fenaldevu)
"This lack of central authority was later blamed for the subsequent internal
disintegration which plagued the land" (FS p.73 Yelm Arraz Cult)
"The Emperor was returned to a position of being a magical and non-political
figure." (FS p.75 Karsdevanic Clarification)
Dara Happa lost its power inevitably of the course of history, because many countries around it raised against it or tried to abuse its authority over Peloria. Emperors avoided the ancient Role and acted as rather Conciliators (Denesiods) Hero Band (Karvanyar) or High Priest over Peloria without Power. And Esoteric Mysticism poisoned the City Religion as the War Machine. Such trend reached the pinnacle at the Karsdevanic Purge. Emperors acted as Priests of Yelm and didn't touch with External Policy beyond wall, though sometimes they wielded strong arm over internal policy for unification. (I think this is similar to Papal State of Italy during Dark Age) Many foreign powers, Spolites, EWF and Carmanians have ravaged outside the World. Their reaction was suited for Survival until the Coming of Lunar Empire.
Places of Interest: Raibanth
*Selshena (Footstool of Yelm): Regularly Antirian Light Pillar appears here.
*Senatus (Ordanestum: Martin Laurie?): When Sheng Seleris attacked Kerestus Zolathi (FS p.80) in this Traditional Center of Dara Happa, eventually they convinced him they were harmless to him as Alkothi (!) Center of "Gods are not men" movement in Erzanestyu Dynasty. Temple of Antirius (Lukarius?) Lawbringer?
*Raiba (Simple Stone Pillar): Very Crude Ancient Monument, See "Temple of Rufdayen" in Ye Booke of tentacles #2. In the Denesiod Dynasty, this Construction? was revered as the Ancestor of Denesiod Dynasty as the Guardian of this City.
*Palace of Murharzarm: Now under the wave and mud of Oslira?
*Palace of Khordavu (Khorzanelm?): Incarnation of Yelm
*Palace of Erzanestyu: Gods are not men. ....Each of these Temples (Ruin of Palaces?) reflected the style of each dynasties.
*Karsdevanic Palace: Recent Residence of High Priest of Yelm, of course most of time in the Lunar Empire it has been vacant without true masters....
*Pantheon: 100 Shrines for Each DH Daemons of Gods Wall.
*Three Walls:
Wall of Khordavu Dynasty (Inner Circle)
Wall of Erzanestyu Dynasty (Middle Circle)
Wall of Karvanyar Dynasty (Outer Circle)
Wall of Murharzarm (Perfectly destroyed except some exception)
*Gods Wall: Adamantine Ancient Monument
*Lokarnos Temple: Ambassadors, Traders and Diplomats
*Dragonland: Graves? of Anaxial Dynasty, after Dragon Sun profaned this area beyond Golden Fang, this area was abandoned by residents for unknown reason.
*House of Valare Addi: Suberb (Vonlath) of the City, the spot for pilgrims and her cultists.
*Temple of Rufelza: New Construction in the HonEel's renaissance. Rufdayen is the ancient name for the Moon Goddess of Dara Happa, see Entekosiad p. 112 Cycle
*Golden Fang (Golden Horn?): It divides the Old City and Dragonland by the small stream line.
*New City: Eastern Coast of Oslir, there are Temple of Lokarnos and Temple of Avivath Hastatus
*Amuli: Darjiinite Residence beyond Joat and Oslir, several times Alkothi have ravaged this area for religious reason.
*Temple of Murharzarm River Conqueror: There is the Temple at the root of Bridge across the Oslira (Bridge for Every Saints?), Emperors annually perform the ritual of Fertility. After the Center of the City sunk under the Great Serpent during Murharzarm Reign literally Raibanthians haven't decide where is the rightful position of True Emperors.
*Temple of Avivath Hastatus: the Wargod of Raibanth and the Prophet Ancestor of Khordavu Dynasty
*Grave of Anaxial Emperors: It is similar to the mausoleumic walls? of Akhaimenes in Nagsh-i-Rustem, Lukarius (Lawyers and Archers, sacrileged Several Times by Lunars), Urvairinus (Generals and Soldiers of Legions), Manarlavus (Mystics and Hermits) and Vanyoramet (Yelmalions?) sleep there in Legend.
This is my older note:
Capital of Dara Happa has long bothered, enjoyed and befriended the flow of
Oslira as Murharzarm (Read about Ten Test, he is Bridge). Once The River
drowned this city, and Raibanth became an Island. (See GROY) and the "Shaft"
(See GROY, maybe it is similar to Castle Blue?) which appears for
enthronement of Emperors seems to change its appearance and location by
chance, several Dynasties insisted many different locations as their
Ziggurat Construction and located to the Footstool of Murharzarm. They
usually wanted to make their Ziggurats close to the location the Shaft
appeared in their last Ten Test...
Five Hills (Roman and Constantinople Seven Hills?)
Persepolis: Great Statue of Gryphin, Glamour mimicked this city...
Senatus and Shaft of Ten Tests, Enthronement
Bread & Circus, Nysalorian Influence & Lunars, Magnificus and Hon Eel of Doblian Reconstruction (much Pelandanic?) and Greg's Lunar Novel, Temple of Rufdayen
Raibanth: Raibanthi have always been Realists who control both detachedness of Yuthuppa and Brutality of Alkoth in the Imperial Age of Dara Happa, even in Lunar Age, such tradition still survives in the luxury of other Silver Shadow Cities of upstart Glamour and Demonic Good Shore. Traditionalists still believe Senatus and Ten Tests always should belong to Five-Based Ziggurat of Yelmgatha, but realists know their Power exist in the subtlety and Tradition of Imperial Bureaucrats, and they could easily defeat even Carmanian Strong Warriors in that sense because they know many techniques and conspiracy beyond their comprehension of Short Local Histories.
So, Pragmatists don't greatly concern or worry about their Historical Monuments because they can always gather Information from their knowledge of Blood and Magic (if they can veto the objections of Buserium), and TakenEgi knows this fact and freely reconstruct the form of their Cities after enthronement, Destructions of Sheng and Reconstructions of West Reach Architects much changed the scenery of this City of Murharzarm greatly to Pelandan, but some of Fundamental System and Form.
In the City Legend of Murharzarm, he induced Netendos in his city for the proof he could tolerate Novelty under his Justice, but that act made the first "Center" of this City under the River Oslira, and made a "Inner Ring" (which only involves Northeast Shore of Oslira, Confluence of modern Joat and Oslir) and "Outer Ring" (which involves all of Area the confluence, which involves modern city Amoli. Some of Skeptics don't believe primitive Dara Happans could remain enough population which administrate such great areas, and that is political propaganda of Khordavu Era who reconstructed the Anaxialian Ziggurat and the Unity of tripolis.
Development of East Side mainly after the Nysalorian Era, and collapse of Erzanestyu Dynasty greatly came from the disintegration of City Civilization which induces Civil War and Outer Invaders (Similar to collapse of Roman Republic? See Isaac Asimov: the Strikeback of Galaxy Empire). And many outsiders abandoned Old City of "West Coast". And mainly used Eastside "New City" for their rituals. Emperor Yelmgatha fixed the Ancient Ziggurat of Old City for the Symbol of returning to Tradition, but Jannisor Rebellion and Sheng's Attack (Enthronement as Jenarongian Emperor?) devastated this Area again. The Reformation of HonEel's (And Greya) work greatly induced the Doblianic (Pelandanic?) Style to the monuments of this city.
Silver Shadow Overseer-Emperor
Raibanth: Capital of Empire
Great Temple of Murharzarm-Footstool Pyramid of Yelm, Victory over Oslira
*Palace-Dendara (Empress and Housemaidens), Everina *Court-Raiba, son of Murharzarm (One Year Ceremony), Denesiod, grandson *Foreign Ministry-Lokarnos (Diplomacy & Trade)
Great Temple of Antirius
*Law-Khorzanelm (Pro-Lunar) vs Ordanestyu (Anti-Lunar), Bureaucrat
*Tradition-Senatus, Emperor Erzanestyu Delegates from Local Areas (Like
Caesar's sons-in-law just before collapse of Roman City Republic)
*Army-War Hero Avivath aka Hastatus, Avivorus
Temple of Rufdayan (Greg, Ye Booke of Tentacles, as One of Incarnations of
Gods Wall, south of Suburb (Greg, GRAY)
Star Dome Temple (Nick, Carmanian History)
End of Glorantha Digest
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