Poor girl... don't tell her! ;o)
Maybe everybody's favorite disease goddess/great spirit is named after someone against whom Greg had a grudge ?!? Ex-girlfriend? Former boss or teacher? Landlady? Who knows...
Omni rumoures [sic] sunt veritates.
On a more serious & on topic note, nowadays in HW-Glorantha
(HQ-Glorantha!?!) is Malia a defiant entity? A great spirit for the Praxian=
& a goddess for the Heortlings? What about Orlanthi further up north, do
they also know her? Are there sorcerous diseases as well as divine ones in
Glo' (according to AR: CotHW p.224 diseases seem to be only spiritual)? Are
there any other known disease deities elsewhere, for ex. in the Lunar
Mens insana in corpore sano, ;o)
Christoph Kohring
Route de St-L=E9gier 73
CH-1806 St-L=E9gier
Mobile: +41'78'662'99'21
Government is a disease, liberty its only cure.
http://www.proLibertate.org http://www.isil.org
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