>On a more serious & on topic note, nowadays in HW-Glorantha
>(HQ-Glorantha!?!) is Malia a defiant entity? A great spirit for the
>Praxians & a goddess for the Heortlings?
Why should she be a goddess for the Heortlings? Just because the Heortlings are (mostly) theist does not mean that their enemies are.
>What about Orlanthi further up north, do they also know her?
>Are there sorcerous diseases as well as divine ones in
>Glo' (according to AR: CotHW p.224 diseases seem to be only
All diseases are caused by disease spirits.
>Are there any other known disease deities elsewhere, for ex. in
>the Lunar Empire?
Malia is the only entity associated with disease although she is known by many names.
--Peter Metcalfe
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