God's Wall locates Eggarlodril the north of Raibanth 10 miles (approximately 16 kilometers) in GROY p. 62. And I think it and Selshena is connected by the Triumphal Road.
As I have impression from Peter and Efendi's suggestion, maybe the radius of City Wall is around 2 or 3 kilometers if I can estimate at most....It is neither large as the ring of Theodosius at Constantinople nor small as the ring of Themistcles at Athens.
One of the big problems is Dara Happa is the mishmash of many different cultures, in a sense, it's similar to Greek Classic Polis as they were called Tripolis or Septapolis, or Urvairinus performed Greek Style contest for his funeral. Ten Phalanxs guard them, etc....
Another sense, Greg induced many Oriental and Indian Source to these city states, as Babylonians there are many Ziggurats and Clay-brick buildings for older scheme, I don't know how emperors treat these cities and outside areas fairly. It seems that Babylonian great kings were limited to their own birth city and controlled (conquered) other city states as Lukarius did. But in latter day, Emperors have appointed Overseers to each cities, (he appointed Overseer of Raibanth itself at least in Anaxial Era.) It suggests something.
In RW, inevitably harmonized inter circumstance of the capitals of Great Empire are collapsed by gaining great domain outside of City States, as Babylonians were conquered by Assyrians, or Caesar greatly induced reformation of classic city Roman administration, I think this process is occurred in Raibanth, and Persians induced much nomad style influence to the Central Culture of Fertile Crescent, I think DH emperors have gradually relied upon the outside influence and armies who always stayed outside of City Wall as in Roman Empire aside from their principle, from infantry to cavalry. Carmanians and Lunars are good example for that. (But I think even today emperors or at least city overseers have performed the ritual of propitiating Nestendos and Oslira as governors of Venice.)
About Emperor's office, Oriental Culture have many different idea from Greeks or Romans. They thought the Court of emperors modeled by the Cosmic Order and the Sky, and built great Palace for its inhabitants and their wives. (Though DHs prohibited emperors to have more than one legitimate empress as Dendara.) But on the contrary, Erzanestyu seems to hold Senatus and began to build Greek style Temples because "Gods are not men." (In the latter pages of Fortunate Succession suggested many hints about the gradual change of Yelmic Structure and city administration.)
But not as Persian Akhaimemes or Sassanians (or Carmanians, they built many detached Palaces for Shahs), emperors have stayed at the capital of DH Raibanth, I don't think they can build and destroy constantly inside of their city wall as Alkothians (or as Nero, set fire to build new Golden Palace and sang with his own harp over the hill.) So I think the abandoned Palace of ancient emperors still remained as Sacred Places or temples. (As Alexandros fought against Dareios, Persian Kings have performed ritual of Hunting for showing their presence that indicated the remains as the Nomad ancestors from outside of Fertile Crescent City cultures, When the Great watched the luxury and the costume of the Shah and his concubines that is natural for Dareios, but perfect decadence for generals of Macedonia.) In China, emperors solved its problem by creating new city just second to close the older city wall buildings, but I can't use such technique for Dara Happans.
Surely, Dara Happan buildings are complex of delicate small pieces and gigantic monuments from many cultures.
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