Peter(>) and Kevin (>>)
>>This can't be so - Chalana Arroy's Panjala subcult has "Fight
>>Illness Daimon" and "Fight Unhealthy Essence".
>IMO that's an error. Anaxial's record which is fairly
>comprehensive about the whole issue only has disease spirits
>and knows not any other kind.
Hmm, I'm with Kevin (and Panjala) rather than Peter (and Anaxial) on this one - If other aspects of Glorantha (Elementals, Natural features, animals) can have Spiritual, theistic and sorcerous counterparts, I don't see why disease should be limited to just one type - although different types of disease may have different types of "otherworldly" causes (which is why their are diseases rife in, say, Caladraland that are unknown in Pent and vice-versa)
I also think that Malia would count as a defiant entity in the same way that the UZ great spirit/gods do, since IIRC Cults of Terror gave her runes as Death and Darkness, with Chaos added when worshipped by Broo
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