I have no worth to live, but I cannot die now, though death is too closed to me and it only speaks truth after so many lies are spoken. Why does my goddess still tolerate me to live? I don't know.
The Blue Moon Priestess taught me how I can see the Blue Lightning though she could not see it, and I learned to stab so swiftly as the chip of our goddess.
I also studied how tide and its wave control everything, especially in the bodies of living entity, that was the art to control death and life. So I have done by changing and controlling the current.
Trolls taught me how I can conceal myself by dissolving into scheme both from sight and darksense, finally I finished so perfectly mastering the discipline, I could sometimes lose myself. I was crazed, as everyone in that temple.
She taught many disciples how they should kill without mercy, how they should show who send them, and the difference of Secret Murder and Open Death. Many died. Fyodor Volhovos showed crazed smile before us, Jakareeli spoke insanity, but we still trusted our teachers for we didn't have another choice.
When I reached the Class by that turn I would teach my own disciples, the Priestesses taught me the hidden secret. I realized I had been deceived and that night I escaped from the temple of Horrible Assassins while bat trolls slept. Such event is not unusual, my mentor said for many fell mad and others hoped only in death after the last transformation.
But neither of status I did fell, and I chose the third Death, escaped from the Hell over the Surface by secret tunnels. (Trolls called it Hurtplace) I knew many died or fell to far more worse status to try escape from the Blue Moon Plateau.
And Miraculously, I successfully escaped and realized myself to kill all of the mortal pursuers who were all of my former kindred. I was sure then immortal Furies would pursue me, but I could not commit suicide and waited the horrible agony and the death of soul.
But it didn't happen for unknown reason, The agents of Imperium, Spoken Word rescued me and taught me how to distinguish people who commit demonic act and aren't blamed for their power, and finally I noticed what I could, I was far worse than them, but I found myself who aren't able to kill oneself already. I settled in DeeZola Cult in this City of Ebon. And I help people while I can live without slaying.
Now I want to die as a human without trusting any gods except the hidden horrible powers, but I realized I could not abandon the Art when I killed the Woman who sold me to Blue Moon Priestesses. I don't know how they made contract with the Amir of Tagor Mahaquata, but She tolerated me to live for a while for unknown reason, She sent me a message once, that I shall go back to the Citadel some day. Though I know I will never go back.
I have no worth to live, but I cannot die now, though death is too closed to me and it only speaks truth after so many lies are spoken. Why does my goddess still tolerate me to live? I don't know.
End of Glorantha Digest
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