>What the proportion of Slaves aside from Mudders and Weeders (are
>these Alkothian words?) of Dara Happan Cities live inside of their cities?
It depends on the number of Lunars and their wealth.
>As far as I read Glorantha ITHW, citizen Bureaucrats and commoners are not
>Slaves. And maybe Danfive Xaroni and Eleventh are prisoners of war and
>captives. But I don't know how far modern Lunar custom has been induced to
>these cities.
One in twenty Dara Happans are Lunars. Assuming that one in five are wealthy and an average of ten slaves per wealthy lunar (I'm pulling the last two numbers out of thin air), I get about ten percent of the urban population being slaves, which sounds okay.
>What is the concept of Dara Happan cities? It seems several cities outside
>of DH area (Henjarl, Vonlath, Esvuthil) also hold minority
>of DH stock. How do they live outside of their "natural" circumstance?
Like the Roman and Greek colonies. The Dara Happans live in the city under their own institutions and deal with the natives outside the city. Over time, there will be native commoners within the city who act as go-betweens between the Dara Happans and the natives.
>And what is the commoner's status who generally lives inside of city walls
>but has lived as farmers? And if the City Walls surround the boundary of
>these farming lands, it should be also called "inside of DH cities"?
>(maybe it should go to the reverse of Orlanthi.....)
I don't think the City Walls encompass farming lands since the Dara Happans distinguish between Yelmic City Folk and Lodrili peasants. Open spaces within the city would be reserved for pleasant parks for the citizens to walk in.
>What is the current status of Relationship between Imperial University and
>Social Ruling Class? (I think Tatius the Bright is one example, but...)
All Lunar nobles send their kids to the Imperial University. In addition to the noble offspring, there are also students from poorer backgrounds that have obtained scholarships based on merit. Once they graduate, they are destined for fairly important positions of power. Solars send their kids to be educated at the Buserian Schools while Carmanians are educated by the Viziers.
Very few Solars are part of the actual rulers (as opposed to being a powerless noble with lots of titles). Tatius the Bright is the exception because he's brilliant.
>What is the education-level of Ruling Class aside from Reaching
>Moon Megacorp printed matters? How has gone to their militaristic
>of these Dart War Ruling Class and Bureaucrats?
I think most of the ruling class have attended the Imperial University. I don't think the pacifism of the students affects much the militarism of the Lunar nobility - rather most lunars snap out of the political attitudes they had while a student.
--Peter Metcalfe
End of Glorantha Digest
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