HeroQuesting, Defiant exceptions

From: Greg Stafford <greg_at_glorantha.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2002 08:43:05 -0700

At 05:54 AM 4/13/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>> The Otherworlds are separate worlds, without overlap or
>> interconnections (that is a very important point,by the way: there are NO
>> ways to go from one Otherworld directly to another one (And I mean 100%
>> NONE). The only way is to go through the human Middle World. The Middle
>> world of humans is the place where the overlap occurs.

>I thought that it was possible to go from one to another via the Hero Plane.
>Is this actually impossible ?

Aha, thank you.
The Hero Plane is to be considered the Middle World, just at a different time of myth.
You can go from the Hero Plane to the Otherworlds.

>> The Otherworlds are separate worlds, without overlap or
>> interconnections (that is a very important point,by the way: there are NO
>> ways to go from one Otherworld directly to another one (And I mean 100%
>> NONE). The only way is to go through the human Middle World. The Middle
>> world of humans is the place where the overlap occurs.
>Isn't there a large defiant fly in the ointment here? To say that
>defiant entities or domains aren't "overlaps" or "interconnections"
>sounds like fairly fine semantics to me, if they "partake of" the
>transcendent essence (small-e) of more than one "world".
Defiant entities are exceptions to many rules, of course. So perhaps my 100% was overstated. I'd have to see a whole list of the defiant entities. But off-hand, I cannot think of one that has the power to go from one Otherworld directly to the other.

>And isn't
>it possible, if one had the correct knowledge, to go from the God
>World, to the Eternal Battle (say), and thence to the Spirit World?
The Eternal Battle is one of those Shared Place, the equivalent of going through the Middle world.
Same for the Underworld.

TI asks:
>What the proportion of Slaves of Dara Happan Cities live inside of their
The proportion of slaves in DH varies from place to place. In part this is because the definition of "slave" isn't as clear as we would like. Is the Alkothian rice farmer, who is bound to his land and can be moved around by his Fishlord to any plot, on whim; to be counted as a slave? Is the Serf Peddler to be counted? How about the Speargrove Soldiers, who have absolutely rights in Yuthuppa, but have some freedom in Left Raibanth? But I know that slavery is a popular method of counting wealth in Dara Happa, accepted to be a normal thing since Emperor Murharzarm had slaves. The anti-slavery voice in the Empire comes ultimately from Sedenya.

>aside from Mudders and Weeders (are these Alkothian words?)
They are slang, used empire-wide. Do you see their derivation is from "mud" and "weed?" When we add the "ers" on it means "person of." Most of the actual day-to-day life for people is far more colorful and complex than can be shown. Even a great, deep RPG session can only reveal so much.

>As far as I read Glorantha ITHW, citizen Bureaucrats and commoners are not

Actually, some are and some are not.

>And maybe Danfive Xaroni and Eleventh are prisoners of war and captives.
In general, DX are criminals, not POWs.

>I don't know how far modern Lunar custom has been induced to these cities.
Of course it varies from place to place. But imagine it this way: the influence of the Lunar Way upon Dara Happa is much like the influence that America has had on Japan. The influence in the commercial and political sectors is great, urban architecture and clothing and many customs are prevalently foreign, and a huge wave of new ideas and ways of life have been released.
In a sense, the Lunar Way is like the public face, but the countryside and deep souls of Dara Happan natives (urban or rural) are rooted in being Dara Happan.

>What is the current status of Relationship between Imperial University and
>Social Ruling Class? (I think Tatius the Bright is one example, but...)
The ruling social classes send their children to the University, which also accepts as many actual magic-using students as possible.

>is the education-level of Ruling Class aside from Reaching Moon Megacorp
>printed matters?

Both DH and Lunar aristocrats must be literate and courtly to hold a job that has authority.

>How has gone to their militaristic of these Dart War Ruling
>Class and Bureaucrats?

The Dart Wars have effectively given all Lunar leaders an excuse and method to have private armies. It is actually not used very much these days, by unspoken agreement by the qualified leaders of it. There has really been no need to use it, except for the popular gladiatorial bouts and artistic Secret Agent Duels.

>What is the model of Lunar Imperial University in this book? Aside from some
>parodical source of RW modern American university....
>Feudal Europe or Islam? Or it should be put on another countries?
On this I know the answer: whatever version best suits your game.

>One in twenty Dara Happans are Lunars. Assuming that one in five
>are wealthy and an average of ten slaves per wealthy lunar (I'm
>pulling the last two numbers out of thin air), I get about ten
>percent of the urban population being slaves, which sounds okay.
Important distinction here: Slavery is an imperial instittuion, and the Lunars don't prohibit it religiously. But a DH is less likely to be anti-slavery.  

>I think most of the ruling class have attended the Imperial
>University. I don't think the pacifism of the students
>affects much the militarism of the Lunar nobility - rather
>most lunars snap out of the political attitudes they had
>while a student.

I agree with Peter on the rest of his comments, and I think most students do "snap out" of their idiotic notions as soon as a job, day to day life and the needs of family take over. The university's idealized objective is to expose the ruling class to Lunar ideas. An as a result many good obedient scribal drones in rural Kostaddi (for instance) still harbor Lunar beliefs. These include the rebellious ideas of social inclusion ("We are all Us"), pacifism, anti-slavery, literacy, public good and noblesse oblige.

By the way, to finish a statement made above: Though normally a veneer, the Lunar Way CAN be accepted so that it supercedes a person's native homeland customs. Many people have certainly replaced their DH beliefs for Lunar ones instead. They are the initiates and devotees, and citizens. They are the ones that have a list of Lunar Virtues under their Personality list.

Greg Stafford, greg_at_glorantha.com
Issaries, Inc. 900 Murmansk St., Suite 5; Oakland, CA 94607 Phone: (510) 452 1648 Fax: (510) 302 0385 Publisher of Hero Wars, Roleplaying in Glorantha See our site at: <www.glorantha.com>


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