Contemporary heroplanes?

From: Joerg Baumgartner <>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 14:03:26 +0200

Alex Ferguson

>>The Underworld is another Shared World, a part of the shared human Middle
>>World. The Shared Human Middle World exists in time, hence a variety of
>>Hero Planes of the "past." Not exceptions at all: just the rule.

>So the Underworld is a Heroplane, then? Or rather a number of
>"different" Heroplanes? (The U/W of the Golden Age, the Storm Age, etc...)

Underworld and outer world (you know, the part you can walk/sail/fly/dig to from the inner Inner World, like Luathela, Altinela etc.) appear to be contemporary hero realms, tied to the Inner World.

>So (a) "Heroplane" is, then, anything part of the Shared/Centre/Middle
>World, that is _not_ the mundane world of the "present moment" (or the
>Underworld?), is that a feasible working definition?

I.e. including the magical valleys and slopes up the Quivin Mountains?

One thing that irritates me is the issue about misplaced nodes in the Storm Realm (Aeolus) and similar occurrances. If I (as an Aeolian) want to go from Aeolus' node to Stormstead, which way do I have to go?

Another thing which really really really bugs me is how do I get my companions along? Will I get my Enferalda supporter back"boy" through Karulinoran to Thrinbarri, or do I have to meet her somewhere on the way? Is there any way to bring an adopted stranger (say a Yelmalio warrior) with me by casting him into the role of an accepted stranger known at Stormstead? What about non-theist followers a Heortling returning from a circumnavigation might want to take along on his next quest?

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