>One thing that irritates me is the issue about misplaced nodes in
>the Storm Realm (Aeolus) and similar occurrances. If I (as an Aeolian)
>want to go from Aeolus' node to Stormstead, which way do I have to go?
Why does an Aeolian want to go to Stormstead? If he really wanted to visit a pagan realm, he would go from Aeolus's node to Worlath's (false) node. Then he would find a way from Worlath's node to the Storm Age and from there find a way to Stormstead. But for an Aeolian, Worlath's node contains all the magic that he needs.
>Another thing which really really really bugs me is how do I get my
>companions along?
Well if your companions are Aeolians, there's no real problem in getting into Aeolus's node - use the holy rituals. If they are from a different religion, then they don't visit Aeolus's node for the same reason that outsiders are forbidden from the holy places.
The best way for people of different religions to heroquest together would be to find some way onto the Hero Planes (which are common to all religions). The Road that exists in Sartar is a good example of this. One can enter the Otherworlds (where Aeolus's node and Stormstead are) through special places there. Allowing followers of strange religions into the place of your hero's god might be blasphemy but then again some religions might allow it under certain circumstances.
--Peter Metcalfe
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