> Surely Emperor Khorzanelm (Nick Brooke) spent a hard time to play in
> the LARP of Broken Council if truly his costume was the same in the
> illustration.
Yep. It was a relief when my wife allowed me to "shave" (removing my giant Assyrian-style wig and beard). Balancing the tall, cylindrical, winged crown was another problem altogether. I can't recall what MOB did with it once he'd usurped me...
Keith wrote:
> Don't know if anyone else has noticed the similarity between the Watchdog
> of Corflu and Mike from Monsters Inc. ?
I had one of those Terrible Thoughts last night. Two words:
Watchdog Vivisculpture
Any takers for a giant, animated colossus of Moonson (or ambitious plans tending in that direction)?
Cheers, Nick
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