> > I believe that the surface areas of the Underworld, those nearest the
> > Middle World, are part of the Hero Planes. When you go any deeper,
> > that's no longer strictly true, and in the deepest places it's not true at all
> > (although you do have to go *very* deep to reach that point).
> [...]
> > ... and, unless I'm mistaken, there are also parts of the Underworld that
> > *are* pure ; especially those ones furthest removed from the Middle
> > World, such as those areas where Primal Chaos seeps into Glorantha, or
> > those inside the very scary Black Age (pre-Blue Age Glorantha, viz.
> > Subere write-ups etc).
> You seem to be implying here that you think that really, "deep down",
> the Underworld is an Other World. Or if not, your meaning is not
> apparent...
Kind of ...
Basically it's from our knowledge that the Underworld has a link to Ultimate Reality.
The Underworld is a mixed place, like the Middle World, and therefore has its own areas of higher purity : Underworld Spirit stuff, Underworld essences, etc. This in both the upper and central parts of the Underworld (NOT to imply that normal Underworld geography as such doesn't exist, such as where Bijiif's throne room is, etc ...).
The Black Age is pure in itself : a remnant of pure pre-Blue Age Glorantha, lnked to Ultimate Being, uncorrupted by subsequent upheavals (but not previous ones) ; in its deepest place, this is Glorantha at the exact moment that it came into existance, and is thus "transcendental" Reality, in all senses of the t-word. Similarly, the pure Chaos areas of the Underworld are directly linked to Ultimate Reality, although I think that it would be a contradiction in definitions to call this state of being an "otherworld". Is the Black Age an Otherworld ? I've no idea ...
Any clearer ?
Probably not ...
oh well ...
Julian Lord
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