Meaning of stars.

From: Alex Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:52:25 +0100 (BST)

Greg Stafford:
> Note that may people don't really know anything about most of the stars.
> They can make up whatever they want, but they don't worship them or get any
> power from them.
> Sometimes a people can say, "Let's worship that one as the Berry gatherer
> (or whatever) and start worship. They might get some berry-gathering power,
> but only through esoteric rituals would they be able to discover what the
> constellation REALLY is.
> However, for those stars that they do know, they can get real magic.

Which isn't to say that the same celestial object can't have (apparently) _different_ magically powerful meanings (witness, Uleria/Mastakos -- to say nothing of the 57 different varieties of sun...).


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