Three northern lights, dimmed be they:
the Evil Emperor, Orlanth cut;
the Damned Deceiver, Arkat ate;
the Bloody Seducer.
(The failure of parallelism leaves the Heortling listener in a state of expectation. Note also that "dimmed" in the first line and "damned" in the third are often pronounced similarly, even when that is contrary to the local dialect.)
Three fire breathers to avoid:
the Youfic Dragon, best left dead;
The Vent Volcano, sleep in peace;
Garlic-Mouth Barth, hold your breath.
One meeting of fame;
Two things I name;
Three things I proclaim:
Death, who meets all;
Taxmen, who try;
Dead taxmen, a fine meeting.
Three bad things at the moot:
Warriors full of drink;
Lawspeakers full of lies;
Chiefs full of shit.
Three good things at the beginning of a feast:
A full mug;
A full purse;
A full heart.
Three good things at the end of a feast:
An empty mug;
An empty purse;
A full stomach.
Three challenges of the cattle raid:
Passing unseen by the guards;
Taking unheard by the stead;
Returning unforgiven by the wife.
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