At 05:57 AM 4/26/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>But also do you appreciate that Ygg is a poetic name,
>or kenning (with a leap and a bound Ian ties this post
>into John's post), for Odin, referring to Yggsadril,
>the World Ash Tree, upon which Odin hung himself and
>gained knowledge of the runes. If I were to do an Ygg
>cult I would tend to draw on the cult of Odin far more
>than the existing fan contrubtions do.
In fact, Ygg means "the furious one."
Yggdrasil is the "steed of Ygg," and I will let you guys work out whether
therefore Yggdrasil (the cosmic tree) = Sleipner (Odinn's 8-legged horse,
which is the casket and pall bearers...)
Greg Stafford,
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