I'm moving this from the herowars list, where it was a somewhat out of date thread, and candidly, far too good for them anyway. ;-)
This sort of exercise fascinates me, even though I'm a self-confessed languages duffer. Excellent work! I have to offer the caveat that Greg ("who me, steal stuff from RW languages?") has on more than one occassion expressed the view that Kralori names _should not_ be rendered into, or made up directly from, recognisable Chinese. Unrecognisable Chinese we're likely much safer with. ;-)
> Vormain -> Fa-ri-men "the Gate of the Rising Sun"
> ("Fa" is "rising", "Ri" is "sun", "Men" is "gate")
This one I especially like. I'm sure it's an appalling mangling of the native Vormain word (then again, I'm sure so is "Vormain", and I'm surer still that Greg right now isn't telling), but then against the Kralori word for Vormain _should_ be an appalling mangling, and this is just too apt to pass up.
> Dendara -> Den-da-ren "the Telling her Friendship without Exception"
> ("den" is "without exception", "da" is "telling", "ren" is
> "friendship")
Dendara though is a Pelorian name. The equation in RQ is likely over-zealous (or at least, not that explicit on the ground).
> the Eight Sister of Justice -> Ba-yi-niang
> ("ba" is "eight", "yi" is "justice", "niang" is "daughter")
Niang had better not mean daughter in Kralori, otherwise one of its most august ancient (and male!) sages has some fast explaining to do. ;-) (Though if Kralori is anything at all like many SE Asian RW languages, tones could in any caes make all the difference.)
> August Dragon -> Wei-long
> ("wei" is "augustly", "long" is "dragon")
One of my working assumptions is that one thing the Kralori are not short of is words for dragons... Either through variation in dialect, subtle or gross distinction as to their nature, appearance, etc, or out-and-out poetic redundancy.
End of Glorantha Digest
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