"You say 'Satrap' and I say 'Sultan' - let's call the whole thing off!"
But you should add "Overseer" from DH english translated vocabularies and
"Malzban" from Sassanian words. (Sigh)
Now I read about Political and Economical System of Sassanian Empire. Certainly it is suitable than the parallel of Roman Empire.
<<Ralios 2nd Age:
736 Aringor Darstalssons' Lightbringers Quest.
740 Battle of the Third Wing. Golden Horse Mercenaries brought to Prax by
EWF. Settle in River of Cradles Valley.
Return to Rightness army defeats Stygian alliance (Emperor Paslac) and
destroys cult of Arkat. Marshal Nisaro uses Firesword to destroy Arkat's
Emperor Elmesiod is assassinated in Darjiin. Dismesiod enthroned.
(from PAPS 831 Timeline)>>
Lankst and Delela (Elder Wild?)
Safelster: I don't think there have been any unified "traditional" Orlanthi
kingdom in Ralios, and IIRC, in Broken Council, Makla Mann was the King of
Lankstans and Dari Alliance, and Retter the Stalker was once the member of
Jorstland Nobility and Duke of Delela.....maybe their relationship is
similar to that of Malasp and Ludoch...IIRC, there is Windy Hills (Tales
#12) in Lankst. (My distorted image about it is brutal atmosphere in
Volsunga Saga and Niebelungen Lied...I used my own "Celtic" image to the
"Romantic" hero Heort, so I chose them for Alakoring. Though it seems
opposite is true for other Gloranthans and the image of King of
Stygian Autauchy (I guess this term was induced by Nick Brooke...) seems that it totally destroyed Ralios Remnants from Bright Empire (and Civilization?) In Tradetalk fanzine, some of scenarios mentioned EWF and Stygian relics...(I can't remember enough about it.) If it is true, I can freely create new setting in the domain of Stygians aside from "few" traditionalist stronghold like East Wild...But I must think about how far they would go to countryside...
Dragonpass: Jonas think Narnarra was a heroine of traditional orlanthi
brought back from Underworld by Aringor, Peter thought she (he?) is a EWF
missionary, I don't know enough why they have different opinion. But if I
can apply the consequence in the case study of experiences of Dragonpass.
(Harmast, Argrath) Certainly there is backfire in this Heroquest (See
"Thunder Rebels" Orlanth Lightbringer...) Maybe I think she was a missionary
from Golden Dragon Society (ehilm?) from Peloria?
Seshnela: In Tales #13, Kingdom of Nomia was a stronghold of Galvosti (Tapping from Non-Malkioni!) and an ally of Godlearners IIRC, perhaps Aringor fought against them and Stygians, if there was a center of Nomia in the north shore of Felster, (as modern Boristi), Stygians held Naskorion, IMHO. Anyway, very difficult to make yet-non-Gregged materials from void....Ralians use chariots (Heortlanders also use it for their small Galana horses...) And other....
End of Glorantha Digest
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