Harmast and Talor broke through High Llama (Bad Deal?) and the Kartolin while the Army of Trolls led by Arkat and Gerlant invaded Dorastor through Peloria Plain. Talor cursed Telmori on his way to the Master of Arinsor.
Three Great Dragonslayers
Lord Survilster of Carmania
Emperor Karvanyar of Dara Happa
King Alakoring of Lankst and Aggar
High King Verenmars of Saird founded a Great Shrine for these Great Dragonslayers for their power to fight against EWF during "Three Brothers Divided the World" period.
Orvanshagor Dragonslayer Vs Arangorf Innerdragon
Kings of Seshnela by Greg Stafford
<<Nralar 501-603: Nralar was determined to assert humanity's position in
the west. He waged war against the Stygian Empire of Ralios because Arkat's
trolls caused so much damage. And also the Autarch of Stygia had personally
insulted him.
Hymat 674-76: The Duke of Tanisor brought in mercenaries from Ralios and led an army bigger than any of the dukes or counts in Seshnela. Castle by castle, he took over the kingdom. His mercenaries assaulted Frowal and slew Hymat. A large part of the city was burned to the ground.
Ullmal 708-25: The shadow forces of the Dark Empire in Ralios saw an apparent weakness, and seized a chance to plunder. Unexpectedly, Ullmal appointed his own bishops, who consecrated the Monks of Blood. These wizards created a new range of combat spells to help their soldiers. The barbarians were shocked when they saw their arrows bounce off their foes, and terrified when an infantry unit ran down their pony warriors.
Ullmal told them about the Stygian Empire, which had been ruled by the Gabji, whom they called Arkat. Ullmal escorted them through Tanisor, gave them supplies, and directed them against Ralios. At first they went willingly, but after a few fights they spoke with their foes.
Annmak 734-751: In 740 the army of Seshnela and the Return to Rightness Crusade crushed Emperor Paslac, destroying even his uz allies. The Stygian Alliance shattered, and military resistance collapsed. With lightning swiftness the whole Cult of Arkat was hunted down, their records destroyed, and their holy places razed. Thus, after 240 years, did the prophecy of King Gerlant come true, and Marshall Nisaro bore the Firesword to destroy the grave of evil Arkat.>>
From Nikk Effingham's timeline:
<<Otkorion Timeline
This is a brief timeline for reference for my Storms Over Ralios campaign.
Hopefully I will update it quite often, as I expand my campaign notes. I
make use of Peter Metcalfe's timeline for Ralios as well, which is a very
useful guide.
257 ST: Mial Humathsson, guardian of the Deothaisel Temple to Humath, dies
from natural causes.
312 ST: Maklamann Ironblade of the Dari Alliance defeats the Beast People of Otkorion, and Otkorion is taken in his tribes name.
314 ST: First temple to Orlanth built in Otkorion.
320 ST: The World Council send troops to Otkorion to fight in Zebra Wood against barbarians. They withdraw into defensive lines.
737 ST: The Return to Rightness Army liberates the people of Ralios from the rule of the Dark Empire, not that Otkorion gains much advantage from the Seshnelan rulers.
781 ST: The vampires of the Salantia ally themselves with the God Learners.
812 ST: War breaks out between the tribes of Otkorion and the God Learner Empire.
818 ST: The Ruam Clis form as a ruling council of Valantia. The Houses of Humath swear the Wolf Pledge of allegiance.
819 ST: The migration of Otkorioni north into Lankst to spare themselves the danger of trolls begins; only scant few settlements of Humathi, religiously forced to remain and protect their holy grounds, remain.
826 ST: The Wapensal become a House of Humath under the leadership of Hrothgar Blacksword.
832 ST: The vampires of the Salantia renege on their deal with the God Learners and devour their souls. The Vivamorti cult creates a barrier of darkness around the Salantia Forest which even the God Learners cannot penetrate at first.
840 ST: The Vivamorti Barrier of Darkness is dispelled, the God Learners invade the Tislif Forest and while they are repelled they take great losses.
894 ST: The God Learners build Tislif.
898 ST: Galini chaos killers sweep through Otkorion, ridding them of Uraini worshippers.
925 ST: The Ice Summer strikes.>>
From Nick Brooke's Site:
<<Kingdom of Nomia
The Church of Nomia was founded by the Galvosti dynasty in 607. The founder
of the Galvosti family was Enerin Galvost and he rose to become the king of
Nomia by election. Nomia was then a small province of Ralios that had only
recently converted from pagan worship to Malkionism under the influence of
missionaries from King Nepur of Seshnela.
Enerin was the first of a dynasty which through alliance, marriage and war created the great and benevolent Kingdom of Nomia which ruled Ralios in the years before the God Learners. Much of the initial wealth of the Kingdom was created by lucrative mercenary contracts in service to the Flame Kings of Seshnela.
In 660 King Bretnos of Seshnela called the 4th Malkioni Ecclesiastical Council. A deputation from the Kingdom of Nomia attended and were sworn in as full members. However, the Council dissolved in confusion upon the assassination of Bretnos.
The following years were ones of civil strife within Seshnela, rich pickings for the Nomian mercenaries. However, it was also at this time that the Church of Galvost grew up in order to escape the overweening authority of the Church of Seshnela which, at the behest of various transitory kings, attempted to flex its muscles at the same time as it was being torn apart by theological disputes.
By the reign of King Trymir, who united most of Seshneg, the split was complete. However, since Nomia acted as a useful buffer to the pagans in the East, and since the doctrines were still close, no action was taken to try and enforce the Seshnelan Church upon Nomia. >>
(I consider about Otkorion and Kingdom of Nomia...)
From Jonas Schiott's Site:
<<During this period a number of pet hates were founded: Arkat, Trolls, the West and centralized authority. These attitudes have softened somewhat with time (e g peaceful trading with trolls is now possible), but are still held by much of the population. Eventually, a hero arose from the ranks of the Odayla cult: Aringor walked the dangerous Lightbringer's Path and returned with Narnarra, the Dawn Age heroine who had first introduced Orlanth worship to the Wilds. This strengthened the Orlanthi considerably and made their resistance much more effective. So when, after a long period of squabbling over Tanisor, the Kingdom of Seshnela (by now a part of the Jrusteli Empire) crushed the Stygian Alliance and the Cult that went with it (c 740), they defeated a foe already softened up by barbarian hordes.
Around this time, the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends rose to power in Dragon Pass, and one of their heroes, Ingolf Dragonfriend, originally hailed from Delela. But there was no widespread acceptance of draconic ways in Ralios, and when the EWF tried to invade they were met by Alakoring Thanemaker. Alakoring was already a hero for discovering the Rex aspect of Orlanth, but in the fight against the EWF he gained the new name of Dragonbreaker, by which most Orlanthi across the world remember him.>>
From Greg's writing about EWF and Ingolf:
Below is "small" excerpt from the forbidden archive:
736 Aringor Darstalssons' Lightbringers Quest.
740 Return to Rightness army defeats Stygian alliance (Emperor Paslac) and
destroys cult of Arkat. Marshal Nisaro uses Firesword to destroy Arkat's
Emperor Elmesiod is assassinated in Darjiin. Dismesiod enthroned.
(from PAPS 831 Timeline)
c. 750. Saird is Conquered
between 760-785. Golden Dragon Society invited into Dara Happa. (TFS)
803. Obduran Assimilates the Absolute
(from Greg's timeline of DP)
824 Balarzak Leatherwing flies over Dorastor.
827 Balarzak Leatherwing, and all his companions have dies horribly with
blood spluttering from their lips.
(from PAPS 831 Timeline)
850. Dara Happa Conquered
c. 880. Alakoring Attains Fame c. 910. Alakoring comes to Aggar c. 920. Three Armies Battle (Drang was killed, after this battle, Ingolfwent to Ralios)
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