During an earlier adventure, Fido came into contact with the skin of the White Bear Goddess (the mate to the White Bear God slain by Harrek). This contact endowed him with a portion of her spirit, and enabled him to change into a polar werebear. During a recent series of adventures with a wayward band of Outer Atomic Explorers, we found ourselves apparently misplaced in time. The world is shrouded in Winter, apparently the world of Black Hralf the Weasel. We saved the life of a badly-injured Snodal, upon his return from Altinela but before he begins his conspiracy to kill the God of the Silver Feet. Given my connection with the White Bear Goddess, we decided to see if we could get some aid from the Rathori, since we were nearby.
We found the Rathori to be in desperate shape, numbering only 30-40 thousand strong. They were leaving Rathorela because the winter was too bitter for them to survive. Recognizing the White Bear spirit within Fido, they wanted to perform a ceremony with his help. They knew that they could survive even this winter with the aid of the goddess (since polar bears don't hibernate). How can they get this power?
They wanted to skin Fido.
And he let them.
And survived.
Sure, regrowing the skin was tremendously painful. Sure, the Heal Body spell wasn't powerful enough to cover his whole body, so they chopped off his left arm. Sure, it's gonna take months to regrow his left arm.
But boy, what a story.
Guy Hoyle
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