Re: Older Ages (Alex vs. Julian)

From: Chris Lemens <>
Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 07:28:57 -0700 (PDT)

Just to throw in a completely different twist, I always took the Blue, Green, and Black Ages to be the collective memories of the water-, earth-, and darkpeoples  respective, but that they were all the same "pre-Time" (except in some versions of the monomyth, which incorrectly places them serially). The Uz, for example, remember a wonderful time when the world came into being, all was plentiful, and the Mother was everywhere.

Toward the end of this age, the something changes, such that people and things become distinguishable from each other. My thought is that there is some connection with these worlds colliding and mixing, so that people can sense a difference in other people because they have a different degree of mixture from each other, and can separate gods (spirits, etc.) from people because the gods are not mixed while people are. But honestly, I don't need to know what it was. All I need to know is that the merpeople, for example, don't have to tramp "through" the Green Age to get to the Blue Age, nor do the Uz get wet to go to the Black Age.

The only thing that does not match up is that the Uz experience no Golden Age in the sense of sky/light/fire domination. Instead, they have an interminable period in Wonderhome.

I do wonder what the skycaptains remember of the Green Age. Do they remember a White Age?

I should also say that I've not yet bought the new Uz book and my Uz Lore is only about 20% (er, 14 with no W?) and my Mer-Lore is about 1%, so my examples may be fully contradicted by text. They're only examples.

Chris Lemens


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