Re: Mythic Ages

From: Julian Lord <>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 12:51:12 +0200

Hrm, sorry : last post needlessly confusing. There's something about Alex' and my own logic that doesn't gel.

Nils :

> In fact, using the terms of Black, Blue, Green and Golden Age
> as general designations of the mythic eras is quite misleading
> as it implies that the succession of elements cosmogony is the
> only (correct) view of this distant mystic past.

CoT explicitely mentions that the elemental progression / devolution mythology is only _one_ way of looking at the cosmogony, but also suggests that it's a valid one (among others).

> The split and remix of the otherworlds can most likely mapped to
> all the cosmogonies.

Possibly !

The GL model can only be a _very_ rough guide to understanding these parallel processes / devolutions, in all their variation, transcendence, and beauty.

Chris :

> Just to throw in a completely different twist, I
> always took the Blue, Green, and Black Ages to be the
> collective memories of the water-, earth-, and dark-
> peoples respective, but that they were all the same
> "pre-Time" (except in some versions of the monomyth,
> which incorrectly places them serially).

Yeah, that too !

These people certainly look (incorrectly) at those Ages as being the beginning af All Things.

However, the serial structure of the monomyth actually isn't incorrect : the Young Elementals of Lunar mythology appeared in exactly that same (Darkness > Water > Earth > Fire/Sky/Sun) sequence.

> The Uz, for
> example, remember a wonderful time when the world came
> into being, all was plentiful, and the Mother was
> everywhere.

This and most similar mythologies are set in the Green Age.
>From the GL POV, anyway.

Weird critters like Aldryami, Voralans, Uzuz, and the like probably have variant perceptions and memories.

> Toward the end of this age, the something changes,
> such that people and things become distinguishable
> from each other. My thought is that there is some
> connection with these worlds colliding and mixing, so
> that people can sense a difference in other people
> because they have a different degree of mixture from
> each other, and can separate gods (spirits, etc.) from
> people because the gods are not mixed while people
> are.

Yes, I agree : and it's important not to detail this too precisely, because the ambiguity and mystery are important to the game.

I'm actually interested in the Time Before People, and in understanding the finer points of the GL elemental cosmogony, & how it does and doesn't relate to the other Creation myths. I'm _not_ interested in interpreting all other myths according to the GL model, except that I find it interesting to know what a GL would think about these things ; partially because many Genertelan myths and cultures were influenced by GL RuneQuesting ; partially because the GL model is an accurate description of early 17th century mythic cosmology (derived from GL RuneQuest Sight).

Julian Lord


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