Black and Blue

From: Simon Phipp <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 12:51:55 +0100 (BST)

> In fact, using the terms of Black, Blue, Green and Golden Age
> as general designations of the mythic eras is quite misleading
> as it implies that the succession of elements cosmogony is the
> only (correct) view of this distant mystic past. That is obviously
> not true as there are competing views, which can also be visited
> through heroquesting.

But, the elemental viewpoint is _a_ correct one. When the GLs went back and checked out the GodPlane, they saw what they wanted to see and changed what they couldn't understand, so they imposed the Ages to a certain extent. Anyone going back using the same techniques would see the same kind of structure.

> Which is why any systematic attempt to "split up" the Green Age/Creation
> Age on a "elemental" basis isn't going to get anyone anywhere. What
> characterises an "age" is some sort of understanding of: when it "starts";
> when it "ends"; and what happens "during" it. We can do this for the
> recognised Ages; occassionally different religions and cultures even
> agree! I don't see that you have done this for your "early Ages" -- or
> even that one could.

As an example:
The Black Age starts when the Darkness Element appears from Primal Chaos and ends when the First Waters appear from Styx (the last drop of Darkness). The Blue Age starts when the Black Age finishes and ends when Ga (The Earth Element) appears.

As these are elemental Ages, they start when their Element appears and end when the next Element appears. Similarly, the Green Age starts when Ga appears and ends with Aether's Birth. The Golden Age is odd as it ends with Yelm's death not Umath's Birth, but perhaps the period between Umath's birth and Yelm's Death is the Cloud Age :-)



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