>Anyone know of available source material on Slave Wall in Tarsh, circa
Best source is UW#1: Tarsh in Flames. The following is a description of the city:
A grim trading town at the edge of the Kingdom and the capital of the Mellmuri tribe. Rebuilt after the devastation of 1490 as a fortified station, it is not only a huge slave market dealing in captives from as far as Balazar and Prax (and, truth to tell, many actually taken by the Exiles), but this is still the city's main claim to fame. Its Great Redoubt is known as the Bastion of Tears, after the plaints and lamentations of the captives driven on the way to the slave markets. Suggestions that some end up on Aramite [Tusk Rider] altars are fiercely denied, but the Mellmuri did refuse to support Mutius Thrax's [Royal Marshal of Tarsh] invasion of the forest in 1616. Unspoken Word p30
The local tribe are regarded as little more than bandits.
--Peter Metcalfe
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